日期:2016-09-04 18:05



And for our success as a nation. "There has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light." Says the man whose little boy was massacred.


On just in an ordinary Friday in December. So whether you call it, soul or spirit or higher self, intelligence, there is, I know this, there's a light inside each of you, all of us.

他在十二月一个平常的周五失去了自己的孩子称之为灵魂或志气也好 更高的自我或是智慧也罢我深知 每个人的内心都有一盏明灯

That illuminates your very human beingness, if you let it. And as a young girl from the rural Mississippi, I learned long ago that

只要你想 它就会将你的人性照亮作为一位来自密西西比州乡下的小女孩很久之前我就懂得 做回真我

Being myself was much easier to pretending to be Barbara Walters. Although when I first started, because I had Barbara in my head, I would try to sit like Barbara, talk like Barbara, move like Barbara.

远比假装成芭芭拉.沃尔特斯容易得多当我初登荧屏之时 满脑子想的都是芭芭拉举手投足都在刻意模仿芭芭拉

And then when I was on the news, reading the news, and I called Canada, "Can-a-da" and that was the end of me being Barbara.


I cracked myself up on TV, couldn't stop laughing And my real personality came through. And I figured out:


Oh, Gee! I can be a much better Oprah than I could be a pretend Barbara. I know that you all might have a little anxiety now.

噢 天呐! 原来做回奥普拉远比假装芭芭拉强过百倍!我知道你们目前或许会有些焦虑

And has hesitation about leaving the comfort of college and putting those Harvard credentials to the test. But no matter what challenges or setbacks or disappointment.





奥普拉·温弗瑞是美国最著名的电视节目主持人。运营者自己的电视广播网络品牌 “OWN",并热衷于慈善与公益事业。

