日期:2015-07-29 16:52



Perhaps we'll never know what tipped the scales for those young men who did that terrible thing at the Boston Marathon

也许我们永远不会得知是什么 让那些年轻人决定在波士顿马拉松赛上做出如此可怕的事情

Perhaps we will never fully understand what happened to that young man who drove the car bomb into Times Square

也许我们永远不会明白 那个将汽车炸弹开进时报广场的年轻人是怎么想的

And all the others who found that all their cooperation options were closed, and only what they can say

而所有那些人发现 他们同别人协作的可能性为零的时候 而他们唯一一种向别人表达

"Hey, look at me. I'm matter. I mean something." is to take somebody else down If you were going to avoid that, you have to be able to begin again

你看 我很重要 我有价值 的方式就是干掉别人 如果你想避免此类事情 你得学会重新开始

The thing I like about being here today is that you still like to laugh


It's a part of our culture, you know

知道吗 这是我们文化的一部分

And it's an essential thing in life


But I will close with this story


And I hope you will remember try to do something that makes you happy, try to find a way to serve,

我希望你们会记得 去做那些能让你们感到开心的事情 寻求能为大众服务的方法

try never to forget what we have in common is more important than our interesting and profoundly important differences

不要忘记我们之间的共同点 要比我们有趣且极度重要的不同之处更为重要

And don't give up on yourself or your life

而且不要轻言放弃 不要放弃生命

One of the most rewarding experiences that I had or have had since I left the White House

我有过的最有意义的经历之一 或者说自从我离开白宫之后的经历

is the opportunity to work in South Asia after that horrible tsunami, which occurred a couple of years before Hurricane Katrina

就是 在那场可怕的海啸过后到南亚工作的机会 那场海啸发生于卡特里娜飓风的前几年

You remember that?


It was devastating to Indonesia and Southeast India and Sri Lanka and the Maldives, parts of Thailand.

给印度尼西亚 印度东南地区 斯里兰卡 马尔代夫 还有泰国部分地区 造成了毁灭性灾难

President Bush asked me to work for his father for a while


I did that. After that I worked for the UN for two years

我接受了 在那之后我又在联合国工作过两年

And we had a great time




  • hurricanen. 飓风,飓风般猛烈的东西 adj. 有防风罩的
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • cooperationn. 合作,协作
  • essentialn. 要素,要点 adj. 必要的,重要的,本质的
  • rewardingadj. 有报酬的,有益的
  • devastatingadj. 毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的