日期:2021-11-16 10:11





Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was a central character in Israel era peace negotiations during the Nixon and Ford administrations. A new book, "Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy," chronicles the challenges and strategy behind the scenes.I spoke earlier with author and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk. Martin Indyk, welcome to the "NewsHour." It's very good to have you with us. Congratulations on the book. Let me ask you about what you have written here. We know Henry Kissinger, enormously influential figure in American foreign policy, and yet he's been out of office for, what, over 45 years. And people think of him, many do, in connection with China, Vietnam.But you have chosen to focus on the Middle East. Why?





Well, two reasons, Judy. And thank you very much for having me. The first is that Kissinger's time as secretary of state, his four years as secretary of state, was essentially consumed with Middle East peacemaking. And that's not commonly understood. But the second reason was a personal one. You know I have been involved in peacemaking, both in the Clinton administration and then in the Obama administration. And in the Clinton administration, it all blew up in our face. And in the Obama administration, when I was a special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, it failed again. In fact, the parties were further apart at the end of the negotiations than at the beginning. And that was the last negotiations that's been held.So, I wanted to go back and try to learn from the master of the game, which is the title of the book, how to make peace and how not to make peace, because he was so successful at laying the foundations of the Arab-Israeli peace process back in the 1970s.


You say he was successful at laying the foundation, and yet peace still eludes the Middle East.There have been a movement here, a movement there, but it still isn't a reality. And you write about the art of diplomacy, as much as the strategy that he pursued. Why does that matter?


Well, first of all, significant progress has been made. It depends on how you look at the glass. But is -- the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt and the two agreements that he negotiated between Israel and Egypt laid the foundations for the peace treaty, took Egypt out of the conflict with Israel. And then, he also -- Kissinger also negotiated a disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria, which has lasted to this day, despite the collapse of order in Syria itself. And those agreements enabled the Israel-Egypt peace treaty, eventually the Israel-Jordan peace treaty. The sticking point is with the Israelis and Palestinians. And Kissinger's approach was I think what we can learn from that period.He was very cautious, incremental. He invented the concept of step-by-step diplomacy, because he was skeptical that both sides were actually ready to make the sacrifices that could produce agreement. And, therefore, he thought it required time and getting the parties used to making concessions to each other. And Yitzhak Rabin, ironically, because he had stood up to Kissinger in the days when he was secretary of state, when he became prime minister, adopted a Kissingerian approach. And after Rabin was assassinated, we -- and I was part of that effort -- we jumped to try to end the conflict.And every president since has been trying to end the conflict. And that was something that Kissinger would have never done, because he didn't believe the parties were ready. In fact, he was very wary of presidents who -- American presidents who sought immortality by seeking to grasp the Holy Grail of Israeli-Palestinian peace.So that's why I think the major lesson from his approach was, we need to take it more gradually, step by step, incrementally, and rebuild the confidence and trust.





嗯,有两个原因,朱迪q1|zD,!dhA&WzCG。非常感谢你们邀请我v56cXzf2x1。首先是因为基辛格担任国务卿的时间,他担任国务卿四年,基本上把时间都花在了中东和平上[K#s[%oqnn8BEIoh;~Y4。而这并不是人们普遍理解的#0oHJDJ|DH&。但第二个原因是个人原因rf=bDly~t[。你们知道,我在克林顿政府和奥巴马政府中都参与了调停工作]eD)-i_723uI。而在克林顿政府,这一切都在我们面前失败了(9HrPuw|Js83NG#;。 在奥巴马政府任职期间,当我担任巴以谈判特使时,谈判再次失败6)LIYG~RM@T;rk。事实上,在谈判结束时,各方的分歧比开始时更大z@e5cK2V_9YGPID3NsN。这是举行的最后一次谈判8a_YXUyU2TG。所以,我想回去试着向这个游戏的大师学习,这就是这本书的标题,如何缔造和平,以及如何毁掉和平,因为他在20世纪70年代非常成功地为阿拉伯-以色列和平进程奠定了基础BUFNlGpdP5UlMd





