考研英语长难句讲解 第279期
日期:2014-05-02 08:10


2012 考研写作样句

3、It seems to me that you could attend some organizations or associations special for international students, which will help you develop friendship with classmates and professors and make your campus life colorful and meaningful.


此句同样用于提出建议。注意could的使用使语气委婉,易于对方接受。语气更委婉的表达还有If I were you/if I were in your shoes, I would…。

4、I would be very happy if you take my suggestions into account.


此句通常用在建议信的结尾部分,表达希望自己的建议被采纳的愿望。其中的happy可以用glad/ delighted/grateful/thankful/much obliged 等替换;take…into account 可以用 take…into consideration/consider/ think over/give preference to/give some thought to 等来替换。

  • considerationn. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见 n. 报酬
  • gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的
  • preferencen. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物