日期:2012-09-21 12:46



6. They would try to decide what intelligence in huamns is really for, not merely how much of it there is.

【分析】复合句。本句的主干是 They would try to decide...。decide 后跟两个并列的宾语从句,分别由 what 和 how much 引导。



1. The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name.

【分析】复合句。主句主干为 The idea is one of those hypotheses。 第一个 that 引导同位语从句补充说明 idea,第二个 that 引导定语从句修饰 hypotheses。


【点拨】dare not speak its name 为一个固定结构,意为“不敢说出名”、“不敢冠之以名”、“无法说出口”。




定语从句对所修饰的名词加以修饰限定,说明其为此人(物)而非彼人(物),它的引导词包括 that, which, who, whom, whose, why, where 等。同位语从句则大多由连接词 that 引导,常跟在表示事实的抽象名词后面,如 fact,news, information, order, belief, reply, answer,saying 等,用来解释说明这些词的具体含义与内容。具体区分如下;

1)同位语从句在引导词前加 is 后,句子成立,定语从句则不成立,如:The news that the leader will come here is not true.—The news is that the leader will come here.(句子成立,所以是同位语从句); The news that you told me last week is not true.— The news is that you told me last week.(句子不能成立,所以是定语从句)。

2)that 在定语从句中必须担当成分,而在同位语从句中不担当成分。

3)that 引导同位语从句时,不能用 which 替换;而 that 引导定语从句时常可以用 which 替换。

4)引导同位语从句的关联词除 that 之外,还可以根据句义使用其他疑问代词(which 除外)或疑问副词;而定语从句不可用 what, how,whether 等引导。



6. Setting off firecrackers is seen as a big threat to man's life and property, not merely as a nuisanse.

1. Some doctors called the disease"the diagnosis that dare not speak its name."

  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • intelligentadj. 聪明的,智能的
  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • merelyadv. 仅仅,只不过
  • intelligencen. 理解力,智力 n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关
  • propertyn. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具