跳出思维定势----think outside the box/think out of the box
大家好,欢迎来到小强英语。今天我们要学习的表达是:think outside the box或者说think out of the box。跳出盒子想问题?其实就是咱中文所说的“跳出思维定势”。think outside the box在美国已经是个老生常谈的用法,但是起源时间却不是很久远,是上个世纪的七八十年代。据说那会儿的管理顾问喜欢让顾客玩一个九点连线的游戏,所谓的"nine dots" puzzle。The goal of that puzzle is to link all 9 dots using four straight lines or fewer, without lifting the pen and without tracing the same line more than once. 游戏目的就是用四条或者更少的直线把九个点连起来,不要断笔、也不要重复画线。据说难倒了不少人。其中的一个简便的方案就是跳出正方形边界来画线。大伙儿可以看看下面的配图。所以这个think outside the box, think out of the box寓意就是to think creatively, unimpeded by orthodox or conventional constraints.创造性地想问题,不受正统或常规所限制。我们来看一下例句:
You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box.