纯正地道美语 第265期(外教讲解):厨房用具
日期:2011-09-06 17:57


A:I have been looking at this online catalog for over an hour and I still haven’t finished getting all the kitchen appliances that we need!

B:What are you getting?

A:Well, the first thing on my list is a new blender.I decided to also get a juicer and a new coffee maker.

B:Don’t forget to also get a new mixer. I lent the old one to my brother and he broke it.

A: Yeah I know. I also decided to throw away the old toaster and get a new one. I am also getting a rice cooker and steamer to make some nice steamed fish or veggies.

B: I’m actually thinking of completely refurnishing the kitchen and getting a new stove, oven, dishwasher and trash compacter.

A:That’s a good idea ! The kitchen will look amazing!

catalog n.目录

appliance n.器具, 用具

blender n.搅拌机

juicer n.榨汁器

mixer n.搅拌器

toaster n.烤面包机

rice cooker n.电饭煲

dishwasher n.洗碗机

A: 我在网上看这个目录已经超过1小时了,我还没有完成我们需要的所有厨房用具

B: 你要买什么?

A: 单子里列的第一件用具是台新的搅拌机。我决定买一台榨汁器和一台新的咖啡机。

B: 别忘了买台新的搅拌器。我将旧的那台借给我弟弟了,他给弄坏了。

A: 好的,我知道。我还决定将那台旧的烤面包机扔掉,买台新的。我还会买个新的电饭煲和蒸笼来做些好吃的蒸鱼或蔬菜。

B: 我正在想彻底将厨房用具彻底换一下,买台新的炉灶,烤箱, 洗碗机和垃圾桶。

A: 好主意。厨房看上去会很棒。

  • stoven. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • catalogn. 目录,大学概况手册,商品型录 vt. 做目录,分类
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间