Teen births in the U.S. are declining, still, in 2012, more than 86,000 teens ages 15 to 17 gave birth.
美国的青少年生育量在下降,但是2012年,仍然有86000多名15岁至17岁的青少年生了孩子 。
Giving birth during the teen years has been linked to increased medical risks and emotional, social, and financial costs to the mother and her child.
在青少年时代生孩子与增加的医疗风险以及孩子和母亲的情感、社会和经济开销有所关联 。
We all need to help prevent teen pregnancy.
我们都应该帮助阻止青少年怀孕 。
Health care providers, encourage teens to delay sexual activity and use effective birth control if they are sexually active; and provide confidential, culturally appropriate services for teens.
卫生保健提供者鼓励青少年延迟性生活,如果他们性生活比较活跃的话应采取有效的避孕措施,并且为青少年提供机密、符合文化的适当服务 。
Parents, talk with your child about how and when to say “no” to sex; know where teens are and what they’re doing, especially after school; and be aware of their use of social media.
父母需要和孩子聊聊什么时候怎么拒绝性行为,要了解孩子们身处何地在干什么,尤其是放学后;留意他们的社交软件 。
Teens, share the responsibility for preventing pregnancy with your partner, resist peer pressure to have sex, talk openly about sexual health with your parents and other adults you trust, and see a health care provider to learn about the most effective birth control methods.
青少年应和伴侣共同承担避孕的责任,拒绝来自同伴性生活的压力,开放地和父母或其他你信任的成年人聊聊性健康,去找卫生保健提供者学习最有效的避孕措施 。
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1.give birth 生孩子,产仔
例句:I had two long hospital labours, and though I wouldn't have wanted to give birth in public, I'd have been delighted to have encountered such ease.
我有过两次很长的医院生产的经历,虽然我也不想在公共场所生孩子,但是遇到这种事情我还是很高兴的 。
2.birth control 生育控制
例句:Of dubious effectiveness in comparison to condoms or birth control.
相对于避孕套,其控制生育的效果值得猜疑 。