Emerging tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, are gaining popularity among middle and high school students.
新兴烟草产品,比如电子烟,在中学生中广受欢迎 。
While use of these products has increased, cigarette smoking and tobacco use, overall, has not declined.
虽然这类产品的使用量有所增加,但总体来看,抽烟和烟草使用量并没有减少 。
A large number of kids are smoking cigars and hookahs which can be as dangerous as cigarettes.
很多孩子都在吸雪茄和水袋烟,这些跟烟草一样有害 。
Tobacco use can cause cancer, heart disease, stroke, and lung disease, and is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.
使用烟草会导致癌症、心脏病、中风和肺病,它是美国可预防性死亡的主要原因 。
Strategies to prevent and reduce tobacco use include 100% smoke-free policies, higher tobacco prices, hard-hitting media campaigns, and programs to help people quit.
阻止和减少烟草使用的方法包括禁止吸烟、提高烟草价格、严厉打击媒体宣传并帮助人们戒烟 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.tobacco use 烟草使用
例句:Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death.
使用烟草是可预防的主要死亡原因 。
2.hard-hitting 用力打击的,能用力打击的
例句:The hard-hitting research was published in the journal PLoS ONE.
这些关于剑角龙的头部撞击的研究发表于公共科学家图书馆杂志 。