CDC works 24-7 to save lives and protect Americans.
疾控中心全天候为拯救生命和美国人民工作 。
In this month's Vital Signs we're addressing the epidemic of prescription drug overdose.
在本月的《生命特征》中,我们要强调过量服用处方药所导致的流行病 。
Prescription pain killer deaths have skyrocketed in women.
处方止痛药死亡案例在女性中数量飙升 。
In 2010, more than 6,600 women died from prescription pain killers, 4 times as many as died from cocaine and heroin combined.
2010年,6600多名女性因处方止痛药死亡,这个数量是可卡因和海洛因致死量的4倍 。
Prescription opiate overdose is a growing and under recognized risk for women in the United States.
美国女性过量使用处方麻醉剂的现象越来越多,它的风险也是众所周知 。
Health care providers, policy makers, and people in our communities can work together so patients who need prescription medicines can get them safely and use them appropriately.
医疗服务人员、决策者和社区人民需要共同努力,让病人通过安全渠道获得处方药并正确使用 。
Stopping this epidemic in women and men is everybody’s business.
阻止这种流行病事关每个人 。
Doctors need to be cautious about prescribing and patients about using these drugs.
医生开处方药时需要谨慎,病人用药时也要谨慎 。
Together we can turn this epidemic around.
一起努力,我们就能阻止这种流行病 。
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