The dog days of summer are here and with them come the health risks caused by hot weather.
酷热难熬的夏季到了,随之而来的是炎热天气带来的健康问题 。
Heat exposure causes more deaths in the U.S. than any other type of extreme weather.
美国的酷热天气造成的死亡人数比任何其他极端天气都要多 。
A heat wave, several very hot days in a row, is especially dangerous.
热浪和连续几天的高温会格外危险 。
The risk for heat-related illness and death are greatest among the elderly, those with physical or mental health conditions, and those taking certain medications.
老年人、患有身体或精神疾病的人和服用某些药物的人最容易因为天气过热而生病甚至死亡 。
During heat waves, people should stay in air-conditioned environments, drink plenty of water, and wear lightweight clothing.
热浪来袭期间,人们应该待在有空调的环境中,大量饮水,穿轻薄的衣服 。
If you have a vulnerable family member, friend, or neighbor, check on them regularly.
如果你的家人、朋友或者邻居身体比较虚弱,要定期去看看他们是否安然无恙 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.heat wave 热浪,热波
例句:One extreme heat wave or drought, of course, is not definitive proof of climate change.
一次异常的热浪或者干旱,当然了,不能作为气候变化的决定性证据 。
2.plenty of 大量,很多,许多
例句:She has plenty of imagination.
她的想象力非常丰富 。
3.check on 检查,核实
例句:Your doctor can check on that.
你的医生可以做出检查 。