Motor vehicle-related injuries are a leading cause of death among children in the U.S.
车祸受伤是美国儿童死亡的主要原因 。
Adults can prevent many of these tragedies by properly buckling children in vehicles.
成年人可以通过给儿童系安全带来避免这些悲剧 。
In 2011, a third of children 12 and under who died in motor vehicle crashes were not buckled up.
2011年,有三分之一12岁及以下死于车祸的儿童没有系安全带 。
All children should be buckled in vehicles with an age- and size-appropriate car seat, booster seat, or seat belt.
所有儿都应该用与他们年龄和尺寸相符的汽车安全座椅、辅助软坐垫或安全带固定在座位上 。
Children 12 and under should always be in the back seat.
12岁及以下的儿童应该坐在后排座位上 。
Certified technicians are often available at public places, such as local fire stations and police departments, to help parents properly install and use car seats.
诸如地方消防局和警察局这样的公共场所都有合格技术员帮助父母正确安装和使用安全座椅 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.buckle up 系安全带,系紧
例句:The cuffs of the raincoat are tightly buckled up.
雨衣的袖口扣得紧紧的 。
2.booster seat 辅助软坐垫
例句:The booster seat provides more protection for your young child than a seatbelt alone.
使用后推式汽车坐垫比仅仅使用汽车上的安全带更能保证您的孩子的安全 。