To promote biking in Philadelphia, community leader Henry Pyatt worked with the city and community organizations to put wheels in motion.
为了让费城有更多的人愿意骑自行车,社区领导亨利·皮亚特与城市和社区组织合作推进此事 。
Cycling is a huge benefit to our community.
骑自行车对我们的社区来说是一大好事 。
It helps us deal with some of our health issues and it helps make our city more affordable for folks of limited means.
它能帮助我们解决一些健康问题,并且让收入拮据的人们出行更方便 。
I also advocate for cycling because a lot more people can go visit a business when they travel by bicycle because those bicycles take much less space to store.
骑自行车还能让很多人在旅行的时候能够访问更多业务,因为自行车需要的存放空间很小 。
By providing more places for bicycles to park and marking streets to be more bike friendly, cities can make bicycling a more popular way to get around.
通过提供更多的自行车停放位置并在街道上留出自行车道,骑自行车会在城市里变得更受欢迎 。
It helps show the cyclists that they are supposed to be there and there's a space for them.
这能帮助骑自行车的人知道他们该从哪里走,并且知道有专们为他们预留的位置 。
And then the more people that use that, the more other will people will see them using it, and it builds upon itself.
有越多人利用这些便利,就有越多人看在眼里,自然而然就发展起来了 。
We've seen a cultural shift happen too, where biking has kind of become cool, which is a huge help to us.
我们也看到了文化观念的改变,骑自行车似乎变成了一件很酷的事,这一点帮助很大 。
From the economy to health, Henry believes everybody wins when they harness the power of pedaling.
无论是经济方面还是健康方面,亨利都相信只要大家骑起自行车,就都是赢家 。
Cycling is kind of a magic bullet of city planning.
自行车是城市规划的灵丹妙药 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.limited means 特定手段,收入拮据
例句:President Obama has repeatedly stated a goal – regime change in Libya – and yet outlined quite limited means by which to achieve it.
奥巴马总统一再强调此次行动的目标,即利比亚政权的转变,甚至还大致列出了为了实现这一目标能够才去的有限措施 。
2.in motion 在运转中
例句:Is it not the answer to why all matters are in motion?
3.deal with 处理,涉及,安排
例句:I'll deal with the children later.
孩子们的事由我以后去处理 。
4.get around 避免,走动,规避
例句:You can, however, get around this.
但是您可以避开这种操作 。