Cigarette smoking has declined slowly but steadily in the U.S., still over 42,000,000 adults are cigarette smokers and about 33,000,000 of these smokers smoke every day.
美国的吸烟率正在稳步下降,但是仍然有4200万成年人吸烟,其中有3300万每天都吸 。
Smoking remains a leading cause of major health problems and is linked to nearly a half a million deaths each year.
吸烟仍然是健康问题的主要原因,每年都与50万例死亡相关 。
Smoking is associated with most cancers, as well as heart disease, stroke, infertility, and asthma.
吸烟与多数癌症、心脏病、中风、不孕症以及哮喘相关 。
What's encouraging is that the largest decrease in people who have quit smoking is among 18 to 24 year olds.
鼓舞人心的是最大的戒烟人群在18至24岁之间 。
No matter how long you've smoked, quitting can significantly reduce your risk for serious health problems.
不论你的烟龄有多久,戒烟都能大大降低患上重大健康问题的风险 。
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1.is linked to 与...相关
例句:The profile UML definition is linked to the model indirectly through the version.
这个概要文件的 UML 定义通过版本直接链接到这个模型 。
2.is associated with 与...有关系,涉及
例句:Which part is associated with homework and school?