You know, Parents and teachers are always telling us to eat and drink things that are nutritious, and get more exercise so we can be healthy, but that’s not always easy.
父母和老师成天对我们说,要吃有营养的食物,要喝有营养的饮品,增强锻炼,身体健康,但事实并非那么简单 。
I know Chris. I’d like to walk or ride my bike to school but there aren’t any bike paths or sidewalks.
我知道克里斯 。我想走路或骑车上学,但自行车道或人行道并不常有 。
They tell us to drink more water, but my school doesn’t have any water fountains!
We’re supposed to eat healthy, but at the breakfast fundraiser last Saturday, they served a lot of stuff that wasn’t very healthy.
我们应健康饮食,但在上周六举办的“早餐筹资”活动中,他们提供了大量不健康食物 。
If you want to make a difference in your school and community, we encourage you to speak up; respectfully, of course!
Here are some things you can do to make your school a healthier place.
为了营造学校健康环境,你可以采取如下行动 。
Write a letter to your principal asking for water fountains to be installed.
给校长写信,要求安装饮水机 。
Write a statement that you would like to buy healthier foods for snacks, but none are available for sale at school.
写一则声明,声明中要说你希望购买健康小吃,但学校小吃店并不健康 。
If they agree, get as many friends and other students as possible to sign your statement.
如果他们同意,尽可能让更多朋友,更多同学在声明中签字 。
Then, take it to your principal, teacher, or PTA president.
把它交给校长,老师或家长会主席 。
Tell your parents about your desire to walk or bike to school and see if they can meet with other parents to brainstorm ideas for getting sidewalks or safe biking paths built.
告诉父母你想走路或骑车上学,看看他们是不是能和其他父母商量,为学生建造人行道或安全的自行车道 。
Get the support of your parents and friends and make a difference in your school and community!
得到父母和朋友的支持,改变学校改变社区 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.make a difference 改变
例句:Whatever you can do can make a difference.
无论你能做什么,都会带来不同 。
2.encourage to 鼓励
例句:I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.
我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力 。
3.speak up 大胆说出
例句:Why don't you speak up? I'm your father!
为什么不直接说出来呢?我是你的父亲 。
4.be supposed to 应该
例句:What time will we be supposed to arrive there.
我们应该什么时候到达那里 。