If you struggle to read the pages of a book or a billboard on the side of the road, you might be among the millions of Americans who suffer from impaired vision.
如果你出现看字障碍,或是看不清路对面广告牌,那你很有可能存在视力下降问题,它正在困扰全美数百万人 。
Problems seeing can impact many daily activities, from reading and driving a car to preparing a meal and exercising.
从看书到驾车,从做饭到体育锻炼,视力问题正影响人们的日常生活 。
Vision loss can also increase the risk for fall-related injuries and depression.
视力下降增加患抑郁症或摔伤风险 。
Early detection and treatment are important for maintaining or improving vision, and a regular dilated-eye exam can help discover or prevent eye disease.
早发现早治疗对维持或提高视力水平至关重要,定期进行眼底检查可发现或预防眼病 。
If you haven’t had your vision checked recently, contact an eye care professional soon for an appointment.
若近期没有进行视力检查,请立刻与眼科医生进行预约检查 。
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1.daily activity 日常活动
例句:Acidity can affect your daily activity and you face difficulty in swallowing foods.
酸度可能会影响您的日常活动和您所面临的困难,吞咽食物 。
2.suffer from 患有
例句:Many kids suffer from acne and angst.
许多年轻人都会受到青春痘和焦虑的困扰 。
3.impaired vision 视力下降
例句:Impaired vision, swallowing and breathing difficulties are often complications resulting from these disorders.
视力下降、吞咽及呼吸困难也是这些障碍的常见并发症 。
4.struggle to 挣扎着
例句:Why should I struggle on to please my parents?