I'm Tiffany. I have some tips for you on how to quit smoking, like I did.
我是蒂芬尼 。我想告诉你一些戒烟的小技巧,我就是这么戒掉的 。
First, I did some reading about it.
首先,我读了一些这方面的书籍 。
I found a lot of great advice on how to quit smoking and picked out the ways I thought would work best for me.
我找到了很多关于戒烟的极佳建议,然后挑出了我认为对我来说最有效的一些方法 。
I started by setting a quit date.
我设置了一个戒烟期限 。
Then I threw out my ashtrays, lighters, and matches.
然后扔掉了我的烟灰缸、打火机和火柴 。
I did other things, too, like exercising more. And it worked.
我还做了其他事情,比如多运动 。这是有效果的 。
But I'd still get cravings. Especially on long car rides.
但我还是有吸烟的欲望 。尤其是在开车很久的时候 。
To help me with that, I put a picture of my mother in my car.
为了解决这个问题,我在车上放了一张我妈妈的照片 。
She died of lung cancer from smoking cigarettes when I was only 16.
在我仅仅16岁的时候,她就因为吸烟而死于肺癌 。
Now, I have a 16-year-old daughter.
现在,我有一个16岁的女儿 。
That picture of my mother reminds me that I don't want to miss all the things my daughter is going to do in her life, including turning 17.
我妈妈的照片提醒着我不要错过女儿未来生活中的一切,包括她的17岁生日 。
译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。
1.pick out 挑出,选出,辨认出
例句:Did you pick out the vowels?
2.throw out 扔掉,说出,否决
例句:Throw out the torn underwear and stained socks.
扔掉那些破旧的内衣和染色的袜子 。
3.die of 因...而死,死于
例句:If I treat someone with pneumonia he will die of pneumonia.
如果我按肺炎给病人治疗,他一定会死于肺炎的 。