Video game playing can make you angry or aggressive.
游玩电子游戏会使你变得易怒或者有侵略倾向 。
But it seems that the key factor may not be the violence.
但貌似引发原因的并不是游戏中所含的暴力内容本身 。
It's the player's incompetence at the game that's behind the ramped-up emotions, whether they're upping their kill count in Grand Theft Auto 3 or simply trying to solve a puzzle in Tetris.
隐藏在玩家情绪高涨后面真实存在的弱爆了的游戏技巧才是罪魁祸首,无论是在狭盗飞车3中杀人数的增加,抑或是单纯试图解决俄罗斯方块游戏中的小难题 。
That's the take-away from a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
这是根据《性格和社会心理学》杂志上一篇相关研究得出的结论 。
Researchers tested violent and nonviolent variations of a custom-designed game on 600 players.
研究人员们从600多名玩家游玩量身定制的游戏中测试暴力和非暴力变量所起到的作用 。
They found that poorly designed or overly difficult games left participants as enraged, if not more so, than violent games did.
相比纯暴力游戏,更为重要的是,他们发现设计拙劣或者难度系数过高的游戏会使得玩家逐渐被激怒 。
Violent games have long been blamed for subsequent violent behavior in players.
暴力游戏一直被认为是造成玩家游玩后引发的暴力行为的罪魁祸首 。
And some research finds that long-term play changes regions in the brain associated with cognitive function and emotional control.
而一些研究已经表明长期玩游戏会导致大脑内部认知功能和情感控制相关的结构发生变化 。
Additional studies say such games increase aggression in children.
进一步研究表明这样的游戏也会造成儿童的暴力倾向 。
But other investigators say the games actually have a calming effect on players, especially those with a preexisting mental health condition.
All those research efforts may need to be re-examined in light of the new finding.
在有新发现前所有的相关研究还需要经过再次检测确认 。
In other words, don't hate the game, hate the player.
换句话说,游戏本身并无罪,都怪玩这游戏的那位 。
Or at least his lack of skills.
或者无论如何技术实在是太烂了 。
1.if not more so 如果不是更多的话
Disease can be as harmful as wars or economic depression, if not more so.
疾病可能造成和战争与经济危机同样的危害,即使不是更大的 。
In some countries these are as important as bank deposits, if not more so.
在某些国家,这与银行存款同等重要,甚至更重要 。
2.blame for 怪罪,责怪
Emerging economies were partly to blame for america's housing and credit bubble.
新兴国家经济的问题部分要归咎于美国住房和信用的泡沫 。
The blame for this impasse falls mostly on republicans.
共和党人应承担造成此僵局的主要责任 。
3.associate with 联合,联系
Thus the most striking feature of brazilian trade is the shift in its composition towards a pattern one would normally associate with a rather less advanced economy.
因此,巴西贸易最鲜明的特征,是其构成正逐渐转向一种通常会与某个远远落后于巴西的经济体联系起来的格局 。
Some associate with partners to ensure that they get help and protection in case of need.
还有一些人与人合伙,以在必要的时候得到帮助和保护 。
4.need to 需要 必须
Cmos need to get personally involved.
首席营销官需要亲身参与 。
That's all you need to do!