An upcoming dental appointment can be terrifying.
一想到有个即将到来的牙医预约似乎马上已经感受到牙痛之苦 。
So terrifying, in fact, that the fear of future pain can be a worse experience than the actual pain during the procedure.
So finds a study in the journal PLOS Computational Biology.
这一发现已经在《PLOS计算机生物学》杂志上发表 。
Volunteers had to choose a date on which they would have hypothetical, painful dental work, and choose another date to get a real electric shock.
接受测试的志愿者们需要选个日子进行假定的疼痛口腔治疗,而另一个日子则接受真正的电击 。
Most subjects strongly preferred to schedule the pain as soon as possible—they felt that the dread of waiting was just too much to endure.
无论真假日期,多数受试者强烈希望尽快体会痛苦,他们觉得等待的恐惧实在是种煎熬 。
They did not want to wait even though they were told that the shocks would be less intense if they put them off.
即使被告知推迟日期可以降低电击之痛,他们也不愿意等下去 。
The minority of participants who did choose to delay their pain thought that doing so would reduce their immediate anxiety.
而选择延期体会疼痛的少数被试者马上感觉没那么紧张了 。
Which is the same motivation for those who wanted to get the pain over with sooner.
这与那些希望尽快体验痛苦受试者们的动机其实是一样的 。
However, the delaying group suffered increasing levels of anxiety as time wore on.
但是,延迟小组随着时间的流逝,更加感到紧张和不安 。
So, when you have the freedom to choose, the best strategy appears to be to rip off the band-aid, fast.
Never dread til tomorrow what you can suffer through today.
1.procedure 程序,手续;工序
The judicial procedure is often complicated and tedious.
而司法程序往往很复杂和冗长 。
But the procedure is safe and relatively painless.
但是这一过程却是安全且相对无痛的 。
2.dental work 牙科工作
Consider some dental work to obtain a beaming smile.
考虑到获得喜气洋洋的牙齿微笑 。
Tico, whose real name is gilberto graham, is not afraid of a little dental work on the monster reptile.
蒂科原名叫吉尔贝托格雷厄姆,他根本不惧怕这种“大爬虫”锋利的牙齿 。
3.prefer to 更喜欢
We prefer to stay where we are.
我们宁愿保持着现在的样子 。
I prefer to prepare not getting the money back!
4.as soon as possible 尽早,尽快
We will contact you as soon as possible this time.
这一次我们会尽快给您回复的 。
The key is to test your idea in the real world as soon as possible.
这一切的关键是要尽快在现实生活中检验你的想法 。