I probably throw away my own weight in garbage each month.
我可能每个月要扔掉相当于自己体重的垃圾 。
That's the average for an American city dweller.
这是一个美国城市居民的平均水平 。
Urbanites like me create roughly twice as much trash as our rural counterparts.
像我这样的城市居民制造的垃圾是我们的农村同行的大约两倍 。
We city folk the world over produce three million metric tons of garbage each day.
世界各地的城市居民每天产生约300万吨垃圾 。
And in the next decade or so, the amount of garbage worldwide could double.
而在接下来10年左右的时间里,全世界的垃圾数量可能会翻番 。
That's partly because more and more of us are living in cities-and there are more and more of us around.
这部分是由于越来越多的人生活在城市,而且我们周围真是越来越人满为患 。
In order not to live amidst ever higher landfills like in WALL-E, people will have to waste less.
为了不生活在像影片瓦力中高高的垃圾填埋场里,人们将不得不减少浪费 。
This can be done: The average Japanese urbanite makes just a third the trash produced by the average American, like yours truly.
这是可以做到的:平均日本都市人产生的垃圾只有像我这样美国人三分之一 。
We'll all have to turn Japanese if the world is to reach so-called “peak waste” before 2100.
如果全世界在2100年之前想要达到所谓的“最大垃圾量”目标,我们就必须效仿日本人 。
Peak waste refers to some highest ever amount of garbage produced daily, which then, it's hoped, begins to fall.
最大垃圾量指的是每天产生垃圾数量达到有史以来最高值,然后,只能寄希望于这个数值开始下降 。
On current pace, garbage production could rise beyond 11 million metric tons per day by the end of this century.
按照我们当前的速度, 本世纪末的垃圾产量有可能超过每天1100万吨 。
If we haven't peaked by then, we could be living in garbage.
如果那时我们还没有达到峰值,我们就可能生活在垃圾中 。