Telling people to change unhealthy behaviors doesn't work. Otherwise, we would all already be slim, fit, nonsmokers.
直接劝诫别人改掉坏习惯根本不起作用 。否则我们现在早已变得苗条,健美,也早已不是烟民了 。
Whether it's habit, the temptation of an ad or just the easiest option, we often rely on automatic behaviors to get us through the day. And even though we know taking the elevator, grabbing a beer or drowning a salad in ranch dressing are not the healthiest choices, we keep making them. Unless those bad choices become too inconvenient.
无论是习惯,广告的诱惑,又或者是最简单的选择,我们总是依靠无意识行为帮我们度过每一天 。尽管我们知道坐电梯,喝啤酒,吃蘸酱的沙拉并不是最健康的选择,但我们还是坚持这样做 。除非有一天它们变得很不方便 。
Making bad choices harder is actually the best way to help people get healthier, argues a new essay in the journal Science.
一项发表在《科学》上的论文提出,实际上稍微阻碍一下不好的选择是促使人们更健康的最好方法 。
Simply programming elevator doors to close really slowly actually motivates more people to climb stairs. Limiting the places that sell tobacco cuts overall consumption. And then there's the trusty old salad bar trick: put healthier options closer than other choices and more people pick them.
只需编程让电梯门关得很慢就能促使更多人爬楼梯 。限制售卖香烟的场地会削减总体的香烟消费 。对付沙拉也有个屡试不爽的把戏:将健康的品种放在更近的地方,这样更多的人们就会挑选它们 。
Little changes like these reach everyone—not just the people targeted with a health message. And they get us healthier just by letting us stay on autopilot.
这样的小改变影响着所有人——并不只是影响那些收到健康短信的目标群众 。通过让每个人自觉选择使人们变得更健康 。