Our bodies are home to trillions of other organisms that influence our health—and probably our weight.
我们的身体有数万亿影响健康的其他生物,而它们可能对体重也有影响 。
Researchers found that mice given gut microbes from obese humans became fatter than those that got microbes carried by slim folks.
研究人员发现,被注射来自胖人肠道微生物的小鼠相比注射了瘦人中微生物的变得胖得多 。
When the husky and lean mice shared microbes with each other, the bigger ones picked up some of the beneficial gut flora—and had improved metabolisms.
当胖瘦老鼠共享微生物,大个的会挑选一些有益的肠道菌群、提高新陈代谢 。
But this shift only occurred if the mice were on a high-fiber, low-saturated fat diet.
但这种转变只发生在高纤维、低饱和脂肪饮食的老鼠身上 。
If they were on a junk food diet, no improvement.
如果小家伙进食的是垃圾食品则没有改善 。
The findings are in the journal Science.
这项研究已经在《科学》杂志上发表 。
It’s not clear how humans might remodel our microbial communities to change health or weight class.
目前尚不清楚人类如何改造我们的微生物群落带来更为健康或者苗条身材 。
The mice in the study were raised in germ-free environments and had no native microbiomes of their own.
研究中的小鼠是生长在无菌环境而且自身没有原生微生物 。
In people, so-called fecal transplants have been reserved for more severe conditions than a bulging belly.
在人体内,所谓的粪便移植一直被贮存在更为恶劣的条件下而非一个鼓鼓的大肚囊中 。
And probiotic products, such as yogurt, are minimally effective.
而且像是酸奶等的益生菌产品往往收效甚微 。
But flat or fat, what your belly looks like on the outside might have a lot to do with what's on the inside.
但不管你的肚子外表看起来是胖是瘦,可能在内部都要从事很多的工作 。