Kids from the ages of two to 19, consume about seven trillion calories in sugar-sweetened beverages per year, according to Steve Gortmaker of the Harvard School of Public Health. He spoke at the Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting in San Antonio on September 23rd. Seven trillion is a lot of calories in sugar-sweetened beverages. At, for example, 50 cents per can, it's about $24 billion a year.
据哈佛公共卫生学院的史蒂夫·戈特梅克所说,年龄2至19岁的孩子平均每年饮用含七万亿卡路里的各种含糖饮料 。他在9月23号于美国洛杉矶举行的肥胖症协会年度科学会议上发言时如此说道 。在含糖饮料中,七万亿的卡路里是个很大的数字 。假设每罐饮料5美分,那么一年共计花费240亿美元左右 。
All of those dollars and sugary calories are stoking the childhood obesity epidemic. Currently, in the U.S., about 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese—that's more than 12.5 million kids. And new research in the British Medical Journal suggests that obese children will have much higher risk factors for cardiovascular disease as adults. Even as kids, their hearts are changing shape to look like those of adults at risk for heart disease.
所有这些钱以及含糖卡路里是煽动儿童肥胖症流行的罪魁祸首 。目前在美国,大约有17%的儿童和青少年患有肥胖症——即有超过一千二百五十万名孩子患有肥胖症 。一项发表在《英国医学杂志》的新研究认为,患肥胖症的儿童成年后患上心血管疾病的几率更高 。即使在孩童时期,他们的心脏也在变形,逐渐与那些罹患心脏病的成年人相似 。
But the good news is that simply cutting out an average of 64 calories a day from kids' diets could start to level out the steep rise in childhood obesity. That's equivalent to less than half a can of most non-diet sodas.
但也有好消息:只要平均每天少摄取64卡路里,那些肥胖儿童就能维持体重,不再急剧增肥 。就相当于每天少喝半罐非饮食苏打饮料 。