Malaria kills hundreds of thousands of people in Africa annually, and it sickens millions more.
疟疾每年都会造成非洲成千上万人的死亡,而且还会使上百万人身染此病 。
Medicine can keep the disease in check and save lives.
而药物可以阻碍疾病蔓延并且拯救生命 。
But up to half the drugs in Africa may be substandard—and up to a third may be counterfeit.
但非洲一半以上的药物可能并不合格,更有甚者三分之一以上很有可能是假药 。
At the moment, there's no easy way to reliably test a drug in the field.
目前尚没有一种简单的方法能可以测试这一地区的药物 。
That could change if a new technology called PharmaCheck, developed by researchers at Boston University, moves from prototype to reality.
但如果由波士顿大学的研究人员开发的叫做PharmaCheck的这种新技术从原型样本变为现实,可能会彻底改变现在的境况 。
The pill in question is dissolved in liquid.
测试的药品在液体中溶解 。
Miniscule amounts of the liquid pass through channels in what's called a microfluidic chip.
微量的液体通过被称为微流控芯片的管道 。
The channels include a molecule that will bond to the real drug.
管道中包含的分子将和真药中的结合 。
That event produces fluorescence that can be measured by a smartphone app—which reveals how much of the drug is present and active in the pill.
如果是真药将产生荧光,而这可以通过一个智能手机应用程序检测,该应用会显示药物现价及药品的作用 。
The technology was recently awarded one of nine grants by the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance.
这项技术最近被全国大学发明者和创新者联盟授予多项奖项 。
The research team plans to soon test prototypes in the field in Ghana.
这一研究团队计划尽快在加纳地区测试原型样本 。
If PharmaCheck works, regulators and pharmacists could have a simple, inexpensive method to determine whether a drug is effective.
如果PharmaCheck起作用,监管者和药剂师就可以有一种简单、廉价的方法来确定药物是否有效 。
Which could impede counterfeiters and save thousands of lives.
这可以阻碍造假者并挽救成千上万人的生命 。