A routine CAT scan turns up a suspicious spot.
一项常规CAT扫描发现了可疑阴影 。
Is it a benign lump?
Or a cancerous tumor?
In the case of lung spots, four out of five turn out to be harmless.
按照肺斑点所视,证明其十有八九是良性的 。
Unfortunately, making that determination takes a long needle and a biopsy, which means a puncture wound in the chest and a risk of infection.
然而不幸的是,做出这个决定需要长针和活组织检查,这意味着胸部刺伤及感染的风险 。
Leroy Hood and colleagues at Seattle's Institute for Systems Biology have devised a painless blood test that could eliminate the need for most biopsies.
而西雅图系统生物学研究所勒罗伊·霍德和同事们发明了一种无痛的血液测试,可以不需要进行大多数活检 。
They identified 371 proteins that coat lung tumors or leak out of them.
他们发现了371种覆盖肺肿瘤或泄漏的蛋白质 。
Then they looked at blood samples taken from people who had had lung biopsies.
然后他们观察人肺活检的血样 。
A pattern emerged: 13 proteins were significantly higher or lower in patients who had lung cancer than in those whose lumps were benign.
结果显现:肺癌患者的13个蛋白质均明显高于或低于比那些良性的肿块 。
The researchers tried the blood test on different patients, and found that when it gave an “all-clear” result, it was correct 90 percent of the time.
研究人员试图对不同的患者进行血液测试,结果发现发现当给出“全部合格”的结果, 有90%是正确的 。
The work appears in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
这项研究已经在《科学转化医学》杂志上发表 。
Indi, a diagnostics maker, is commercializing the blood test.
而一家诊断制造商英蒂正试图将这样的血液测试商业化 。
Hood says the same approach should work for almost any disease—which could make diagnostics much less prickly.
霍德表示同样的方法应适用于几乎可以使诊断更棘手的任何疾病 。