Today in History: Saturday, December 01, 2012
On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, defied the law by refusing to give up her seat to a white man aboard a Montgomery, Ala., city bus. Parks was arrested, sparking a year-long boycott of the buses by blacks.
1955年12月1日,黑人女裁缝罗莎·帕克斯不服从法律规定,在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的公共汽车上拒绝给一名白人男子让座而被逮捕,从而引发了一场一年之久的黑人抵制公交车运动 。
1824 The House of Representatives convened to decide the presidential election because no candidate had received a majority in the Electoral College. (John Quincy Adams was eventually chosen the winner over Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay.)
1824年,众议院召开会议决定总统选举结果,因为没有候选人获得大多数选票 。(约翰·昆西·亚当斯最终击败安德鲁·杰克逊和亨利·克莱当选总统 。)
1862 President Abraham Lincoln sent his Second Annual Message to Congress, which was read aloud by the Secretary of the Senate. In it, Lincoln called for the abolition of slavery, saying that "in giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free,"
1862年,亚伯拉罕·林肯总统向国会发布了他的第二次年度国情咨文,文章由参议院秘书长大声朗读 。在他的讲稿里,林肯呼吁废除奴隶制,说“赋予奴隶自由,我们保证所有自由人的自由 。”
1913 The first drive-in automobile service station opened, in Pittsburgh.
1913年,第一个自动汽车加油站在匹兹堡开始运营 。
1919 Lady Astor was sworn in as the first female member of the British Parliament.
1919年,阿斯特夫人宣誓就任英国议会第一位女议员 。
1934 Sergei M. Kirov, the head of the Communist Party in Leningrad, was assassinated as Soviet leader Josef Stalin began a massive purge that would claim tens of millions of lives.
1934年,共产党驻列宁格勒负责人谢尔盖M.基洛夫遇刺身亡,此时苏联领导人斯大林正开始大规模清扫,残害数以万计的生命 。
1963 The Beatles' first single, "I Want to Hold Your Hand," was released in the United States.
1963年,披头士的首支单曲《我想握住你的手》在美国发行 。
1969 The U.S. government held its first draft lottery since World War II.
1969年,美国政府举行了自第一次世界大战以来的首次抽签征兵 。
1991 Ukrainians voted overwhelmingly for independence from the Soviet Union.
1991年,乌克兰人以压倒性票数从苏联独立 。
2000 Vicente Fox was sworn in as president of Mexico, ending 71 years of ruling-party domination.
2000年,福克斯宣誓就任墨西哥的总统,结束了执政党71年的统治 。
2004 Tom Brokaw signed off for the last time as anchor of the "NBC Nightly News."
2004年,汤姆布罗考签署最后一次主持“NBC晚间新闻” 。
2009 President Barack Obama ordered 30,000 more U.S. troops into the war in Afghanistan but promised to begin withdrawal in 18 months.
2009年,奥巴马总统下令30000多名美国部队进入阿富汗战争,但承诺将在18个月内开始撤军 。