Today in History: Wednesday, May 8, 2013
May 8th, 1945, VE day as the Allies celebrate the end of World War II in Europe with Nazi Germany’s defeat. In Washington, President Truman reminds Americans that the war in the pacific is not over yet.“Our victory is but half-won. The West is free, but the east is still in bondage to the treacherous tyranny of the Japanese.”While in London British Prime Minister Winston Churchill tells his people after years of fighting.
“This is your victory, victory of the cause of freedom.”
1973, in South Dakota, militant American Indians holding the hamlet of Wounded Knee surrender after a ten-week siege. The incident took place where US troops massacre Sioux men, women and children more than 8 years earlier.
1886, birth of what becomes a soft drink giant. Atlanta Pharmacist John Pemberton invents the flavour syrup for "Coca-Cola", originally concocted as a tonic for treating ailments.
1970, “Oh, there’ll be an end, let it be. Yeah, let it be.”
The Beatles final album “Let it be” is released shortly after the Fab Four’s break up.
Today In History, May 8th, Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.