Today in History: Thursday, November 15, 2012
On Nov. 15, 1969, a quarter of a million protesters staged a peaceful demonstration in Washington, D.C., against the Vietnam War.
1969年11月15日,25万名抗议者在华盛顿特区举行和平游行示威,反对越南战争 。
1777 The Second Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, a precursor to the Constitution of the United States.
1777年,第二届大陆会议通过《邦联条例》,这是美国宪法的初期形式 。
1926 The National Broadcasting Co. debuted with a radio network of 24 stations.
1926年,国家广播公司24电台无线电通信网首次开播 。
1939 The cornerstone for the Jefferson Memorial was laid in Washington, D.C.
1939年,杰佛逊纪念堂的基石在华盛顿特区安放 。
1940 The first 75,000 men were called to armed forces duty under peacetime conscription.
1940年,和平时期征兵下首批75,000人被召集参加武装部队义务兵 。
1959 A farmer, his wife and two of their children were found murdered in their home in Holcomb, Kansas – a crime that was the subject of Truman Capote's non-fiction novel "In Cold Blood."
1959年,在堪萨斯霍尔科姆,一名农夫以及他的妻子和两个孩子在家中被谋杀,这起犯罪就是杜鲁门·卡波特非虚构小说”冷血”的主题 。
1984 An infant who had received a baboon's heart to replace her own congenitally deformed one died at a California medical center three weeks after the transplant.
1984年,在加州医疗中心,患有先天性心脏畸形的一名婴儿接受用狒狒的心脏移植,三周后死亡 。
1985 Britain and Ireland signed an accord giving Dublin an official consultative role in governing Northern Ireland.
1985年,英国和爱尔兰签署协议,给予都柏林执政北爱尔兰的官方协商权利 。
1988 The Palestine National Council, the legislative body of the PLO, proclaimed the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
1988,巴解组织立法机构巴勒斯坦全国委员会宣布巴勒斯坦国家独立 。
1993 A judge in Mineola, N.Y., sentenced Joey Buttafuoco to six months in jail for the statutory rape of Amy Fisher, who shot and wounded Buttafuoco's wife, Mary Jo.
1993年,在纽约米尼奥拉,一法官判处Joey Buttafuoco六个监禁,因其对Amy Fisher的法定强奸,此人开枪打伤了Buttafuoco的妻子Mary Jo 。
2002 Hu Jintao replaced Jiang Zemin as China's Communist Party leader.
2002年,胡锦涛接任江泽民当选中国共产党领导人 。
2011 Hundreds of police officers in riot gear raided the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York City, evicting hundreds of protesters and then demolishing the tent city.
2011年,在纽约市,数百名警察身着防暴装备突击搜查占领华尔街运动的营地,驱逐数百名抗议者,然后将其帐篷拆除 。