Today in History: Friday, November 09, 2012
On Nov. 9, 1989, Communist East Germany threw open its borders, allowing citizens to travel freely to the West. Joyous Germans danced atop the Berlin Wall.
1989年11月9日,共产主义东德开放边境,允许公民自由进入西方,欢乐的德国人在柏林墙上跳舞 。
1918 Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II announced that he would abdicate.
1918年,德国德皇威廉二世宣布他将退位 。
1935 United Mine Workers president John L. Lewis and other labor leaders formed the Committee for Industrial Organization.
1935年,矿工联合会主席约翰L.刘易斯和其他工会领袖成立产业组织委员会 。
1938 Nazis looted and burned synagogues and Jewish-owned stores and houses in Germany and Austria on Kristallnacht, the "night of broken glass."
1938年,纳粹分子在德国和奥地利水晶之夜上掠夺并烧毁犹太人的商店、房屋以及会堂,那晚成了“破晶之夜” 。
1965 Several northeastern states and parts of Canada were hit by a series of power failures lasting up to 13 1/2 hours.
1965年,美国东北部的几个洲以及加拿大部分地区遭受了一系列的停电,持续时间达13个半小时 。
1970 Former French president Charles De Gaulle died at age 79.
1970年,法国前总统查尔斯·戴高乐逝世,享年79岁 。
1976 The United Nations General Assembly approved 10 resolutions condemning apartheid in South Africa.
1976年,联合国大会的决议批准10项谴责南非的种族隔离的政策 。
2004 Houston Astros pitcher Roger Clemens won his record seventh Cy Young award.
2004年,休斯顿太空人棒球队投手克莱门斯赢得他创纪录的第七个赛扬奖 。
2005 Three suicide bombers carried out nearly simultaneous attacks on three U.S.-based hotels in Amman, Jordan, killing 60 victims and wounding hundreds.
2005年,三个自杀炸弹袭击者几乎同时袭击了美国驻约旦安的酒店,造成60人死亡,数百人受伤 。
2011 Penn State fired longtime head football coach Joe Paterno and university president Graham Spanier over their handling of child sex abuse allegations against former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
2011年,宾夕法尼亚州立大学解雇长期担任足球教练的Joe Paterno和大学校长Graham Spanier,因其没有妥善处理前助理教练杰里·桑达斯基性虐儿童指控问题 。