Today in History: Monday, October 22, 2012
On Oct. 22, 1962, President John F. Kennedy announced an air and naval blockade of Cuba, following the discovery of Soviet missile bases on the island.
1962年10月22日,因发现古巴存在苏联导弹基地,约翰·肯尼迪总统宣布对其实施空中和海上封锁 。
1746 Princeton University received its charter.
1746年,普林斯顿大学收到其宪章 。
1797 French balloonist Andre-Jacques Garnerin made the first parachute descent, landing safely from a height of about 3,000 feet.
1797年,法国气球驾驶者Andre-Jaques Garnerin制造出第一架降落伞,从3000英尺高的地方安全着陆 。
1844 Actress Sarah Bernhardt was born in Paris.
1844年,女演员莎拉·伯恩哈特在巴黎出生 。
1934 Bank robber Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd was shot to death by federal agents at a farm in East Liverpool, Ohio.
1934年,银行抢劫犯"漂亮男孩"查尔斯·弗洛伊德在俄亥俄州东利物浦被联邦特工击毙 。
1954 West Germany joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
1954年,西德加入北大西洋公约组织 。
1968 Apollo 7, with astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn Fulton Eisele and R. Walter Cunningham aboard, returned to Earth.
1968年,搭载宇航员Wally Schirra ,Donn Fulton Eisele和R.Walter Cunningham的阿波罗七号还回地球 。
1979 The U.S. government allowed the deposed Shah of Iran to travel to New York for medical treatment.
1979年,美国政府允许被废黜的伊朗国王前往纽约接受治疗 。
1981 The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization was decertified by the federal government for its strike the previous August.
1981年,专业航空交通管制员组织因此前8月罢工被联邦政府收回 。
2002 A bus driver was shot to death in Aspen Hill, Md., in the 13th and final attack by the Washington-area sniper.
2002年,一名巴士司机在阿斯彭山马里兰被射杀致死,这是华盛顿地区狙击手的第13次也是最后一次袭击 。
2007 China's Communist Party gave President Hu Jintao a second five-year term.
2007年,中国国家主席胡锦涛连任第二个五年任期 。