Today in History: Sunday, December 23, 2012
On Dec. 23, 1968, eighty-two crew members of the U.S. intelligence ship Pueblo were released by North Korea, 11 months after they had been captured.
1783 George Washington resigned as commander-in-chief of the Army and retired to his home at Mount Vernon, Va.
1788 Maryland passed an act to cede a parcel of land for the seat of the national government, part of which later became the District of Columbia.
1941 American forces on Wake Island surrendered to the Japanese during World War II.
1948 Former Japanese premier Hideki Tojo and six other Japanese war leaders were executed in Tokyo.
1948年,日本前总理Hideki Tojo和其他六个日本战争领导人在东京被处死
1972 The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Oakland Raiders 13-7 in an NFL playoff game on a last-second touchdown .
1972年,在NFL季后赛匹兹堡钢人队以13 - 7击败奥克兰突击者队
1995 A fire in Dabwali, India, killed 540 people, including 170 children, during a year-end party being held near the children's school.
1997 A federal jury in Denver convicted Terry Nichols of involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing.
1997年,丹佛一联邦陪审团定Terry Nichols过失杀人罪,并合谋俄克拉荷马城爆炸案
2003 The government announced the first suspected case of mad cow disease in United States.
2003 A jury in Chesapeake, Va., sentenced teen sniper Lee Boyd Malvo to life in prison, sparing him the death penalty.
2003年,弗吉尼亚州切萨皮克陪审团判处青少年狙击手 Lee Boyd Malvo终生监禁,免除他死刑
2004 Former Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland pleaded guilty to a corruption charge. (He served 10 months in prison.)
2009 The parents who pulled the "balloon boy" hoax in hopes of landing a reality TV show, were sentenced to jail by a judge in Fort Collins, Colo.