Today in History: Saturday, August 25, 2012
On Aug. 25, 1944, Paris was liberated by Allied forces after four years of Nazi occupation.
1944年4月25日,巴黎在被纳粹占领四年后被盟军解放 。
1718 Hundreds of French colonists arrived in Louisiana, with some of them settling in present-day New Orleans.
1718年,数百名法国殖民者抵达路易斯安那州,其中一些人定居在现如今的新奥尔良 。
1825 Uruguay declared its independence from Brazil.
1825年,乌拉圭从巴西手中宣布独立 。
1875 Captain Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel, traveling from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in 22 hours.
1875年,马修·韦伯上尉成为第一个横渡英吉利海峡的人,从英格兰多佛法国到加莱历时22小时 。
1916 The National Park Service was established within the Department of the Interior.
1916年,在内政部下国家公园管理局成立 。
1921 The United States signed a peace treaty with Germany.
1921年,美国和德国签署和平条约 。
1950 President Harry S. Truman ordered the Army to seize control of the nation's railroads to avert a strike.
1950年,杜鲁门总统下令军队控制国家的铁路以免发生罢工 。
1975 The album "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen was released.
1975年,Bruce Springsteen的专辑《为跑而生》发行 。
1984 Author Truman Capote was found dead at age 59.
1984年,作家杜鲁门·卡波特去世,享年59岁 。
1985 Samantha Smith, the schoolgirl whose letter to Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov resulted in her peace tour of the communist country, was killed with her father in an airplane crash in Maine.
1985年,中学女生萨曼莎·史密斯曾致信苏联领导人Yuri V. Andropov获得访问这个共产主义国家的和平之旅,在缅因州和其父亲在一次飞机事故中遇难 。
1997 The tobacco industry agreed to an $11.3 billion settlement with the state of Florida.
1997年,烟草行业同意与佛罗里达州达成一项113亿美元的和解协议 。
1998 Former Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell died at age 90.
1998年,前最高法院法官路易斯·鲍威尔去世,享年90岁 。
2003 Tennis champion Pete Sampras announced his retirement during a news conference at the U.S. Open in New York.
2003年,网球冠军桑普拉斯在美国纽约一次新闻发布会上宣布退休 。
2009 South Korea's first rocket blasted off into space.
2009年,韩国第一枚火箭发射升空 。
2009 Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., died at age 77.
2009年,美国参议员爱德华·肯尼迪(D-Mass)逝世,享年77岁 。