Today in History: Monday, August 27, 2012
1883 The island volcano Krakatoa erupted and the resulting tidal waves claimed some 36,000 lives on the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra.
1883年,喀拉喀托岛火山爆发产生的浪潮在印度尼西亚爪哇和苏门答腊岛夺去了36,000人的生命 。
On Aug. 27, 1908, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president of the United States, was born near Stonewall, Texas.
1908年,林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊,美国第36届美国总在德克萨斯州斯通沃尔附近出生 。
1770 German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in Stuttgart.
1770年,德国哲学家威廉·弗里德里希·黑格在斯图加特出生 。
1859 Edwin L. Drake drilled the first successful U.S. oil well near Titusville, Pa.
1859年,埃德温·德雷克在泰特斯维尔附近成功钻取美国第一个油田 。
1928 The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed in Paris, outlawing war and providing for the peaceful settlement of disputes.
1928年,凯洛格—白里安和平公约在巴黎签署,宣布了战争的不合法性并为争端提供和平解决方案 。
1945 American troops began landing in Japan following the surrender of the Japanese government in World War II.
1945年,在日本政府在第二次世界大战投降后美军开始登陆日本 。
1962 The United States launched the Mariner 2 space probe, which flew past Venus the following December.
1962年,美国发射水手2航天探测器并于当年12月飞过金星 。
1967 The Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein, was found dead from an overdose of sleeping pills.
1967年,披头士乐队经纪人Brian Epstein被发现死于过量服用安眠药 。
1975 Haile Selassie, the last emperor of Ethiopia's 3,000-year-old monarchy, died in Addis Ababa almost a year after being overthrown.
1975年,埃塞俄比亚3000年君主制的最后一位帝王海尔·塞拉西一世在被推翻后的大约一年死于亚的斯亚贝巴 。
1979 British war hero Lord Louis Mountbatten was killed off the coast of Ireland in a boat explosion; the Irish Republican Army claimed responsibility.
1979年,英国战争英雄路易斯·蒙巴顿勋爵在爱尔兰海岸的一艘船爆炸案中身亡,爱尔兰共和军宣称对此事件负责 。
2007 Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in Richmond, Va., to a federal dogfighting charge.
2007年,亚特兰大猎鹰队四分卫迈克尔·维克在弗吉尼亚州里士满服从联邦法院对其混战共谋的指控 。
2008 Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois was nominated for president by the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
2008年,伊利诺斯州参议员巴拉克·奥巴马在民主党全国代表大会上提名为总统 。