Today in History: Friday, October 26, 2012
On Oct. 26, 2001, President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, giving authorities unprecedented ability to search, seize, detain or eavesdrop in their pursuit of possible terrorists.
2001年10月26日,美国总统乔治W.布什签署了《美国爱国法案》,在追捕潜在恐怖分子中赋予当局前所未有的权利进行搜寻,抓捕,羁押或偷听 。
1774 The First Continental Congress adjourned in Philadelphia.
1774年,第一次大陆会议在费城休会 。
1825 The Erie Canal opened, connecting Lake Erie and the Hudson River in upstate New York.
1825年,连接着伊利湖和纽约北部哈德逊河的伊利运河开通 。
1962 In one of the most dramatic verbal confrontations of the Cold War, American U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson asked his Soviet counterpart during a Security Council debate whether the USSR had placed missiles in Cuba.
1962年,冷战时期发生一戏剧性的口头争辩,美国驻联合国大使阿德莱·史蒂文森在安理会上问苏联外长是否已经在古巴部署导弹 。
1972 National security adviser Henry Kissinger declared "peace is at hand" in Vietnam.
1972年,国家安全顾问亨利·基辛格在越南宣称“掌控和平” 。
1984 A newborn with a severe heart defect was given the heart of a baboon in an experimental transplant in Loma Linda, Calif. She lived for 21 more days.
1984年,新生患有严重的心脏缺陷婴儿在加利福尼亚州罗玛琳达实验性移植手术中换上了一只狒狒的心脏,最终婴儿活了21天后死去 。
1994 Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty.
1994年,以色列与约旦签署和平条约 。
2002 A hostage siege by Chechen rebels at a Moscow theater ended with 129 of the 800-plus captives dead, most from a knockout gas used by Russian special forces who stormed the theater.
2002年,在莫斯科一家剧院车臣叛军袭击人质,造成800多名俘虏中129人死亡,大部分是由于俄罗斯特种部队冲进剧院使用迷晕气体 。
2005 The Chicago White Sox won their first World Series since 1917 by defeating the Houston Astros 1-0 in Game 4.
2005年,芝加哥白袜队在第四场比赛中以1 - 0击败休斯顿太空人队,赢得了自1917年以来的第一次世界大赛 。