Today in History:Friday, June14, 2013
June 14th, 1940 During WWII, Paris falls into Nazi hands, as German troops enter France's capital. That same day, in German occupied Poland, the Nazis open a concentration camp, at Auschwitz.
1985,Shiite Muslim militants hijack TWA Flight 847 shortly after takeoff from Athens, Greece.
“He has pulled a hand-grenade pin and is ready to blow up the aircraft if he has to. We must, I repeat, we must land at Beirut. We must land at Beirut. No alternative.”
The hijackers demand the release of hundreds of Lebanese from Israeli jails. They force the plane to crisscross the Mediterranean, landing in Beirut three times. The 17-day ordeal ends after the hijackers kill a U.S. Navy diver and dump his body on Beirut's tarmac.
1777,During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes as the official flag for the new United States.
1928,Ernesto Che Guevara is born in Rosario, Argentina. The leftist guerrilla who fought alongside Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution remains a global icon.
And 1946,Real estate developer Donald Trump is born in New York City. Trump's celebrity hit new highs as host of the TV reality show “The Apprentice.”
Today in History, June 14th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.