Today in History: Sunday, August 12, 2012
On Aug. 12, 1985, a crippled Japan Air Lines Boeing 747 on a domestic flight crashed into a mountain, killing 520 people in the world's worst single-aircraft accident.
1985年8月12日,日本航空公司波音747飞机在国内航班因失灵撞山坠毁,造成520人死亡,这是世界上最严重的单起飞机事故 。
1851 Isaac Singer was granted a patent on his sewing machine.
1851年,Isaac Singer的缝纫机被授予专利 。
1880 Baseball Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson was born in Factoryville, Pa.
1880年,棒球名人堂克里斯蒂•马修森出生在法克特里维尔出生 。
1898 The peace protocol ending the Spanish-American War was signed.
1898年,美西签署和平停战协议 。
1898 Hawaii was formally annexed to the United States.
1898年,美国正式吞并夏威夷 。
1944 Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., eldest son of Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, was killed when an explosives-laden Navy plane blew up over England during World War II.
1944年,二战期间一架装有炸药的海军飞机轰炸英国,约瑟夫和罗斯的长子约瑟夫·肯尼迪遇难 。
1953 The Soviet Union conducted a secret test of its first hydrogen bomb.
1953年,苏联对其第一颗氢弹进行秘密测试 。
1960 The first balloon satellite, Echo 1, was launched by the United States from Cape Canaveral, Fla.
1960年第一个气球卫星回声一号由美国在卡纳维尔角发射 。
1966 John Lennon apologized at a news conference in Chicago for saying "the Beatles are more popular than Jesus."
1966年,约翰·列侬在芝加哥的一场新闻发布会上对自己的言论“披头士是比耶稣更有名”道歉 。
1977 The space shuttle Enterprise passed its first solo flight test by taking off atop a Boeing 747, separating and then touching down in California's Mojave Desert.
1977年,航天飞机公司通过了首次单独飞行测试,在一架波音747上起飞,分离,然后着陆在加利福尼亚的莫哈韦沙漠 。
1981 IBM introduced its first personal computer, the model 5150.
1981年,IBM推出它的第一台个人电脑,型号5150 。
1998 Swiss banks agreed to pay $1.25 billion as restitution to Holocaust survivors to settle claims for their assets.
1998年,瑞士银行同意支付12.5亿美元对大屠杀幸存者补偿以解决财产索赔 。
2000 The Russian nuclear submarine Kursk and its 118-man crew were lost during naval exercises in the Barents Sea.
2000年,俄罗斯核潜艇Kursk和118名船员在巴伦支海军事演习时神秘失踪 。
2004 New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey announced his resignation and proclaimed himself "a gay American."
2004年,新泽西州州长詹姆斯·麦格瑞维宣布辞职,声明自己是“美国同性恋者” 。
2004 The California Supreme Court voided the nearly 4,000 same-sex marriages sanctioned in San Francisco earlier in the year.
2004年,加州最高法院驳回了今年早些时候旧金山批准的近4000对同性婚姻 。
2008 Russia halted its devastating five-day assault on Georgia that left homes in smoldering ruins and uprooted 100,000 people.
2008年,俄罗斯结束了对格鲁吉亚为期五天的毁灭性打击,格鲁吉亚家园变成闷烧的废墟,100,000人流离失所 。