Today in History: Sunday, November 18, 2012
On Nov. 18, 1978, more than 900 people died in Jonestown, Guyana, after Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones urged them to kill themselves by drinking cyanide-laced grape punch. Jones died of a bullet wound to the head; whether it was self-inflicted is unknown.
1978年11月18日,人民圣殿教派的领导者吉姆·琼斯敦促人们喝含有氰化物的葡萄酒自杀,在琼斯镇、圭亚那造成900多人死亡 。琼斯死于头部枪伤,但不清楚是否属于自杀 。
1883 The United States and Canada adopted a system of standard time zones.
1883年,美国和加拿大采用了标准时区体系 。
1886 Chester A. Arthur, the 21st president of the United States, died in New York at age 56.
1886年,美国第21届总统切斯特A.亚瑟在纽约逝世,享年56岁 。
1923 Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., the first American in space, was born in East Derry, N.H.
1923年,美国第一位太空宇航员艾伦·谢巴德Jr .在美国新罕布什尔州东德里出生 。
1928 The first successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon, Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" starring Mickey Mouse, premiered in New York.
1928年,第一部成功的声音同步动画片,沃尔特·迪斯尼的《汽船威利》主演米老鼠,在纽约首映 。
1936 Germany and Italy recognized the Spanish government of Francisco Franco.
1936年,德国和意大利承认西班牙弗朗西斯科·弗朗哥政府 。
1966 U.S. Roman Catholic bishops did away with the rule against eating meat on Fridays.
1966年,美国天主教取消周五不能吃肉的规定 。
1969 Financier and diplomat Joseph P. Kennedy died in Hyannis Port, Mass., at age 81.
1969年,金融家和外交家约瑟夫·肯尼迪在马萨诸塞州逝世,享年81岁 。
1976 Spain's parliament approved a bill to establish a democracy after 37 years of dictatorship.
1976年,独裁统治37年后,西班牙议会通过了一项法案同意建立民主制度 。
1987 The congressional Iran-Contra committees issued their final report, saying President Ronald Reagan bore "ultimate responsibility" for wrongdoing by his aides.
1987年,伊朗国会委员会发表最终报告,称总统罗纳德·里根应对其助手的违法行为付“最终责任 。”
2002 U.N. arms inspectors returned to Iraq after a four-year hiatus, calling on Saddam Hussein's government to cooperate with their search for weapons of mass destruction.
2002年,联合国武器核查人员四年过后重返伊拉克,呼吁萨达姆·侯赛因政府配合寻找大规模杀伤性武器 。
2003 The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled 4-3 that the state constitution guarantees gay couples the right to marry.
2003年,马萨诸塞州最高法院以4-3规定,国家宪法保障同性恋夫妇结婚的权利 。
2006 Actor Tom Cruise and actress Katie Holmes were married in Italy. (The couple divorced in 2012.)
2006年,演员汤姆·克鲁斯和女演员凯蒂·赫尔姆斯在意大利结婚 。(这对夫妇于2012年离婚 。)
2009 Two days before turning 92, Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., became the longest-serving lawmaker in congressional history, at 56 years, 320 days.
2009年,两天过后将是92岁的参议员罗伯特C.伯德,D-W.Va成为国会历史上任职最长的议员,56年,320天 。