Today in History: Monday, October 08, 2012
On Oct. 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire erupted. The blaze destroyed four square miles of the city, killing about 250 people and leaving some 90,000 homeless.
1871年10月8日,芝加哥大爆发大火,烧毁了四平方英里的城市,造成约250人死亡,90000人无家可归 。
1869 Franklin Pierce, the 14th president of the United States, died in Concord, N.H., at age 64.
1869年,美国第14任总统富兰克林·皮尔斯在新罕布什尔州康科德逝世,享年64岁 。
1918 American Army Sgt. Alvin York almost single-handedly killed 25 German soldiers and captured 132 in the Argonne Forest in France.
1918年,美国陆军中士Alvin York几乎单枪匹马杀死25德国士兵并在法国阿贡森林俘获132名俘虏 。
1944 "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" debuted on CBS Radio.
1944年,电影《奥兹和哈里特的冒险》在CBS电台首映 。
1945 President Harry S. Truman announced that the secret of the atomic bomb would be shared only with Britain and Canada.
1945年,杜鲁门总统宣布原子弹的秘密将只与英国和加拿大共享 。
1956 Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in a World Series as the New York Yankees beat the Brooklyn Dodgers 2-0 in Game 5.
1956年,在第五场比赛纽约洋基队以2 - 0击败布鲁克林道奇队世界大赛中Don Larsen 完美上演 。
1959 Margaret Thatcher was first elected to the British Parliament as a Conservative representing the north London suburb of Finchley.
1959年,玛格丽特·撒切尔作为伦敦北部芬奇利保守派代表,首次当选为英国议会议员 。
1970 Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn was named winner of the Nobel Prize for literature.
1970年,苏联作家亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴提名诺贝尔文学奖得主 。
1982 Poland banned all labor organizations, including Solidarity.
1982年,波兰禁止包括团结在内的所有劳动组织 。
1985 The hijackers of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro killed American passenger Leon Klinghoffer and dumped his body and wheelchair overboard.
1985年,意大利大型游轮劫机者Achille Lauro杀死美国乘客Leon Klinghoffer并在船外丢弃了他的尸体和轮椅 。
2001 Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge was sworn in as director of the new Office of Homeland Security.
2001年,前宾夕法尼亚州州长汤姆·里奇宣誓就任国土安全新办公室主任 。
2004 Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart reported to prison to begin serving a sentence for lying about a stock sale.
2004年,据报道,时尚生活权威玛莎·斯图尔特因股票谎言开始在监狱服刑 。
2005 A major earthquake flattened villages on the Pakistan-India border, killing an estimated 86,000 people.
2005年,大地震将巴基斯坦与印度边境的村庄夷为平地,约86,000人遇难 。