Today in History: Saturday, November 24, 2012
On Nov. 24, 1859, British naturalist Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species," which explained his theory of evolution by means of natural selection.
1859年11月24日,英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文发表“物种起源”,解释了自然选择进化理论 。
1784 Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the United States, was born in Orange County, Va.
1784年,美国第12届总统扎卡里·泰勒在弗吉尼亚州奥兰治县出生 。
1871 The National Rifle Association was incorporated.
1871年,全国步枪协会成立 。
1947 A group of writers, producers and directors that became known as the "Hollywood 10" was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about alleged Communist influence in the movie industry.
1947年,一群作家、制片人和导演,即后来为人众所周知的“好莱坞10”,因拒绝回答关于所谓的共产主义在电影产业的影响而被认为藐视国会 。
1950 The musical "Guys and Dolls" opened on Broadway.
1950年,音乐剧《红男绿女》于百老汇上映 。
1963 Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot and mortally wounded Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy.
1963年,达拉斯夜总会老板Jack Ruby给暗杀约翰·肯尼迪总统的被告李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德致命一枪 。
1969 Apollo 12 returned to Earth after the second manned mission to the moon.
1969年,阿波罗12号完成人类第二次登月任务返回地球 。
1971 Hijacker D.B. Cooper parachuted from a Northwest Airlines 727 over Washington state with $200,000 in ransom. His fate remains unknown.
1971年,强盗D.B. Cooper带着200000美元的赎金在华盛顿上空从西北航空公司727飞机空降而下 。他的命运仍然未知 。
1987 The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to scrap shorter- and medium-range missiles in the first superpower treaty to eliminate an entire class of nuclear weapons.
1987年,美国和苏联同意在第一超级大国条约中废除短、中程导弹以消除全部种类的核武器 。
1989 Czechoslovakia's hard-line party leadership resigned after more than a week of protests against its policies.
1989年,捷克斯洛伐克强硬政党领导人因一个多星期以来对其政策的抗议而辞职 。
1991 Rock singer Freddie Mercury of Queen died at age 45 of pneumonia brought on by AIDS.
1991年,摇滚歌手皇后乐队的弗雷迪·麦考利因艾滋引起的肺炎逝世,享年45岁 。
2010 A jury in Austin convicted former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, on charges he'd illegally funneled corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002. (DeLay is appealing a three-year prison sentence.)
2010年,在奥斯汀陪审团判定前众议院多数党领导人德州共和党汤姆·迪有罪,指控他非法为2002年德州的候选人筹集资金 。(Delay被判处三年监禁 。)