Today in History: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
On Sept. 26, 1960, the first televised debate between presidential candidates took place in Chicago as Republican Richard M. Nixon and Democrat John F. Kennedy squared off.
1789Thomas Jefferson was appointed America's first secretary of state and John Jay the first chief justice.
1888Poet T.S. Eliot was born in St. Louis, Mo.
1898Composer George Gershwin was born in Brooklyn, New York.
1914The Federal Trade Commission was established.
1950United Nations troops recaptured the South Korean capital of Seoul from the North Koreans.
1957The musical "West Side Story" opened on Broadway.
1969The album "Abbey Road" by the Beatles was released.
1986William H. Rehnquist was sworn in as the 16th chief justice of the United States, while Antonin Scalia joined the Supreme Court as an associate justice.
2000Slobodan Milosevic conceded that his challenger, Vojislav Kostunica, had finished first in Yugoslavia's presidential election. Milosevic declared a runoff, a move that prompted mass protests leading to his ouster.
2005Army Pfc. Lynndie England was convicted by a military jury on six counts stemming from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.
2005International weapons inspectors announced the Irish Republican Army's full disarmament.
2007Myanmar began a violent crackdown on protests, beating and dragging away dozens of monks.
1960年9月26日,在芝加哥,总统候选人共和党人理查德和民主党人约翰·肯尼迪展开第一场电视辩论 。
1789年,托马斯·杰斐逊被任命为美国第一任国务院部长,约翰杰伊为第一首席大法官 。
1888年,诗人T.S.Eliot在密苏里州圣路易斯出生 。
1898年,著名作曲家格什温乔治在纽约布鲁克林出生 。
1914年,联邦贸易委员会成立 。
1950年,联合国部队从朝鲜夺回韩国首都首尔 。
1957年,音乐剧《西区故事》在百老汇开幕 。
1969年,甲壳虫乐队专辑《艾比路》发布 。
1986年,威廉H·伦奎斯特宣誓就任美国第十六任首席大法官,而史格里亚以陪审法官进入最高法院 。
2000年,米洛舍维奇承认他的挑战者科什图尼察已经完成了第一次在南斯拉夫总统选举 。米洛舍维奇宣布决胜选举,此举引发了大规模的示威抗议导致他下台 。
2005年,陆军一等兵林迪英格兰因阿布格莱布监狱虐待丑闻事件被军事委员会指控六项有罪 。
2005年,国际武器核查人员宣布爱尔兰共和军全面裁军 。
2007年,缅甸暴力镇压抗议活动爆发,殴打并强制带走了几十名僧侣 。