Today in History: Sunday, September 23, 2012
On Sept. 23, 1952, Sen. Richard M. Nixon, R-Calif., salvaged his vice-presidential nomination by appearing live on television to refute allegations of improper campaign fundraising. (The address became known as the "Checkers" speech because of Nixon's on-air reference to the family pet, a dog named "Checkers.")
1952年9月23日,参议员理查德·尼克松在电视上现场反驳他涉嫌不正当竞选筹款的控告,挽回了其副总统提名 。(此次演讲被称为"Checkers",因为尼克松实况转播时提及到家里一只叫"Checkers"的狗)
63 B.C. Caesar Augustus was born in Rome.
公元前63年,凯撒奥古斯在罗马出生 。
1779 American commander John Paul Jones is said to have declared, "I have not yet begun to fight!" during a Revolutionary War naval battle.
1806 The Lewis and Clark expedition returned to St. Louis from the Pacific Northwest.
1806年,刘易斯和克拉克探险队从太平洋西北地区回到圣路易 。
1846 The planet Neptune was discovered by German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle.
1846年,德国天文学家约翰·戈特弗里德·加勒发现海王星 。
1926 Jazz saxophonist and composer John Coltrane was born in Hamlet, N.C.
1926年,爵士萨克斯管吹奏者和作曲家约翰·柯川出生在北卡罗来纳州哈姆雷特出生 。
1930 Musician Ray Charles was born Ray Charles Robinson in Albany, Ga.
1930名,音乐家雷·查尔斯在在佐治亚州奥尔巴尼出生 。
1939 Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, died at age 83.
1939年,精神分析的创始人西格蒙德·弗洛伊德逝世,享年83岁 。
1957 Nine black students who had entered Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas were forced to withdraw because of a white mob outside.
1957年,9个已经进入阿肯色州小石城中心高中的黑人学生因外面一白人暴徒而被迫退学 。
1987 Choreographer-director Bob Fosse died at age 60.
1987年,舞蹈导演Bob Fosse去世,享年60岁 。
1990 Iraq threatened to destroy Middle East oil fields and attack Israel if other nations tried to force it from Kuwait.
1990年,伊拉克威胁称如果其他国家试图从科威特对其施压,他将摧毁中东油田并攻击以色列 。
1999 The Mars Climate Observer apparently burned up as it was about to go into orbit around the Red Planet.
1999年,火星气候观察者正要围绕着这颗红色行星进入其轨道时明显的燃烧起来 。
2011 The soap opera "All My Children" broadcast its final episode on ABC, ending a 41-year run.
2011年,肥皂剧《我所有的孩子》在ABC播放了最后一集,结束长达41年的播放 。