Today in History: Sunday, December 02, 2012
On Dec. 2, 1942, a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated for the first time at the University of Chicago.
1942年12月2日,一自持的核链式反应首次在芝加哥大学展示 。
1804 Napoleon was crowned emperor of France.
1804年,拿破仑被加冕法国君主 。
1823 President James Monroe outlined his doctrine opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.
1823年,在西半球,总统詹姆斯·门罗概述了他反对欧洲扩张的原则 。
1954 The Senate voted to condemn Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R Wis., for "conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute."
1954年,参议院投票谴责参议员约瑟夫R.麦卡锡,因他的“行为会使参议院蒙羞 。”
1961 Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared himself a Marxist-Leninist who would lead Cuba to Communism.
1961年,古巴领导人菲德尔·卡斯特罗宣布自己是马克思列宁主义者,将领导古巴共产主义 。
1969 The Boeing 747 jumbo jet debuted.
1969年,波音747大型喷气式客机首次亮相 。
1980 Four American churchwomen were raped, murdered and buried in El Salvador. (Five national guardsmen were later convicted of murder.)
1980年,四名美国女信徒在萨尔瓦多被强奸、谋杀并埋葬(五名民警随后被判谋杀 。)
1982 Doctors at the University of Utah Medical Center performed the first implant of a permanent artificial heart in a human. Barney Clark lived 112 days with the device.
1982名,美国犹他大学医疗中心的医生首次对人类进行永久性人造心脏移植,带着这种装置巴尼·克拉克活了112天 。
1990 Chancellor Helmut Kohl's center-right coalition easily won the first free all-German elections since 1932.
1990年,总理赫尔穆特·科尔 中右翼联盟轻易赢得德国自1932年以来的首次自由选举 。
1990 Composer Aaron Copland died at age 90.
1990年,作曲家Aaron Copland去世,享年90岁 。
1993 Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar was shot to death by security forces in Medellin.
1993年,哥伦比亚毒枭帕布洛艾斯科巴被在麦德林被安全部队射杀致死 。
1999 A power-sharing cabinet of Protestants and Catholics sat down together for the first time in Northern Ireland.
1999年,一新教徒和天主教徒权力共享的内阁首次在北爱尔兰坐下来共同商谈 。
2001 Enron filed for Chapter 11 protection in one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. History.
2001年,安然公司根据破产法第11章申请破产保护,这是美国历史上最大的企业破产之一 。
2010 The House voted to censure Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., for financial and fundraising misconduct.
2010年,众议院投票谴责众议员查尔斯·兰格,因其在金融和筹款中的不端行为 。