Today in History: Thursday, December 06, 2012
On Dec. 6, 1998, Hugo Chavez, who had staged a bloody coup attempt against the Venezuelan government six years earlier, was elected president.
1998年12月6日,六年前上演一场血腥政变企图反对委内瑞拉政府的乌戈·查韦斯当选总统 。
1790 Congress moved from New York City to Philadelphia.
1790年,国会从纽约搬到费城 。
1907 The worst mining disaster in U.S. history occurred as 362 men and boys died in a coal mine explosion in Monongah, W.Va.
1907年,在西弗吉尼亚州Monongah发生美国历史上最严重的矿难,362名男人和男孩们死于煤矿爆炸 。
1923 A presidential address was broadcast on radio for the first time as President Calvin Coolidge spoke to a joint session of Congress.
1923年,总统卡尔文·柯立芝在国会联席会议上的演讲首次通过广播传播出去 。
1947 Everglades National Park in Florida was dedicated.
1947年,佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园落成 。
1957 The AFL-CIO expelled the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
1957年,美国劳联-产联驱逐了国际卡车司机联盟 。
1957 America's first attempt at putting a satellite into orbit blew up on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Fla.
1957年,美国首次尝试将一颗卫星送入轨道,但在卡纳维尔角发射台发生爆炸 。
1969 A free concert by the Rolling Stones at Altamont Speedway in Livermore, Calif., was marred by the deaths of four people, including a man who was stabbed by a Hell's Angel.
1969年,滚石乐队在加利福尼亚州利弗莫尔阿尔塔蒙特高速公路上举办的免费音乐会因造成四人死亡而糟蹋,其中包括一名被地狱天使刺伤的男子 。
1973 House minority leader Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as vice president, succeeding Spiro T. Agnew, who had resigned after pleading no contest to income tax evasion.
1973年,众议院少数党领袖杰拉尔德·福特接替逃税的斯皮罗·阿格纽宣誓就任副总统 。
1992 Thousands of Hindu extremists destroyed a mosque in India, setting off two months of Hindu-Muslim rioting that claimed at least 2,000 lives.
1992年,成千上万的印度教极端分子摧毁了一座清真寺,引发了印度教徒与穆斯林之间长达两个月的骚乱,造成至少2000人丧生 。
1994 Orange County, Calif., filed for bankruptcy protection due to investment losses of about $2 billion.
1994年,加州橘郡由于投资亏损约20亿美元申请破产保护 。
2004 Al-Qaida struck the U.S. Consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, with explosives and machine guns, killing nine people.
2004年,基地组织使用爆炸物和机枪袭击美国驻吉达、沙特阿拉伯大使馆,造成九人死亡 。
2006 The bipartisan Iraq Study Group concluded that President George W. Bush's war policies had failed in almost every regard, and said the situation in Iraq was "grave and deteriorating."
2006年,两党伊拉克研究小组得出结论,总统乔治W.布什的战争政策完全失败,并表示伊拉克局势“严重恶化” 。