Today in History: Sunday, September 02, 2012
历史上的今天:2012年9月2日,星期天 。
On Sept. 2, 1945, Japan formally surrendered in ceremonies aboard the USS Missouri, ending World War II.
1945年9月2日,日本在"密苏里"号巡航舰上正式举行投降仪式结束了第二次世界大战 。
1666 The Great Fire of London broke out. It destroyed nearly 400 acres, including some 13,000 houses and the old St. Paul's Cathedral.
1666年,伦敦爆发大火,摧毁了近400英亩包括大约13000座房屋和旧圣保罗大教堂 。
1789 The U.S. Treasury Department was established.
1789年,美国财政部成立 。
1864 Union Gen. William T. Sherman's forces occupied Atlanta during the Civil War.
1864年,内战期间,联盟将军威廉·谢尔曼的部队占领亚特兰大 。
1901 Vice President Theodore Roosevelt offered the advice, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair.
1901年,副总统西奥多·罗斯福在明尼苏达州博览会上发表演讲,提出了“柔声细雨,手持大棒”的意见 。
1935 A hurricane slammed into the Florida Keys, claiming 423 lives.
1935年,飓风袭击了佛罗里达群岛,423多人遇难 。
1944 Navy pilot George H.W. Bush was shot down by Japanese forces as he completed a bombing run over the Bonin Islands.
1944年,海军飞行员乔治H.W在执行对小笠原群岛空军轰炸中被日军击落 。
1945 Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent republic.
1945年,胡志明宣布越南共和国独立 。
1963 "The CBS Evening News" was lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes.
1963年,“CBS晚间新闻”从15延长到到30分钟 。
1969 North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died.
1969年,北越主席胡志明去世 。
1969 The first automatic teller machine to use magnetic-striped cards opened to the public at Chemical Bank in Rockville Centre, New York.
1969年,在纽约美华银行第一台使用磁条纹卡的自动出纳机投入使用 。
1983 Tom Brokaw took over as anchor of NBC's "Nightly News."
1983年,汤姆布罗考担任NBC电视台“晚间新闻”主持人 。
2004 President George W. Bush accepted his party's nomination for a second term at the Republican National Convention in New York City.
2004年,在纽约共和党全国代表大会上,乔治W·布什总统接受他党内连任的提名 。
2005 President George W. Bush told Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" during a tour of Hurricane Katrina damage in Alabama.
2005年,乔治W·布什总统在巡视遭飓风破坏的阿拉巴马州卡特里时,对联邦应急管理局首长迈克尔·布朗说:“布朗,你的工作很棘手啊 。”