Today in History: Thursday, November 22, 2012
On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas. Suspected gunman Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the 36th president of the United States.
1963年11月22日,约翰·肯尼迪总统在达拉斯车队上遭暗杀,持枪嫌疑犯李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德被逮捕 。副总统林登·约翰逊宣誓就任美国第26届总统 。
1718 English pirate Edward Teach - better known as "Blackbeard" - was killed during a battle off the Virginia coast.
1718年,英国海盗爱德华教授——以“黑胡子”更为人熟知——在弗吉尼亚海岸的一场战斗中丧生 。
1890 Charles de Gaulle was born in Lille, France.
1890年,戴高乐在法国里尔出生 。
1906 The SOS distress signal was adopted at the International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin.
1906年,SOS呼救信号在柏林国际无线电通信大会上被采用 。
1928 "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel debuted in Paris.
1928年,莫里斯·拉威尔的波莱罗舞在巴黎首秀 。
1967 The U.N. Security Council approved Resolution 242, which called for Israel to withdraw from territories it captured in 1967, and implicitly called on adversaries to recognize Israel's right to exist.
1967年,联合国安理会批准242号决议,呼吁以色列撤出1967年占领的地区并暗示要求对手承认以色列的生存权 。
1968 The Beatles' "White Album" was released.
1968年,披头士的“白色专辑”发布 。
1975 Juan Carlos was proclaimed king of Spain.
1975年,胡安·卡洛斯当选西班牙国王 。
1990 British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, having failed to win re-election to the Conservative Party leadership on the first ballot, announced her resignation.
1990年,英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔在第一轮投票中未能赢得保守党领导连任而宣布辞职 。
1998 "60 Minutes" aired video of Dr. Jack Kevorkian administering lethal drugs to a terminally ill patient.
1998年,“60分钟”播放了杰克·凯沃尔吉安医生使用致命药物治疗绝症病人的视频 。
2004 Tens of thousands of demonstrators jammed downtown Kiev, denouncing Ukraine's presidential runoff election as fraudulent and chanting the name of reform candidate Viktor Yushchenko.
2004年,成千上万的示威者挤满了基辅市中心,谴责乌克兰的总统决赛竞选是欺诈行为,并高呼改革候选人维克托·尤先科的名字 。
2005 Jose Padilla, an American once accused of plotting with al-Qaida to detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb," was charged with supporting terrorism.
2005年,何塞·帕迪拉,一个美国曾经被指控与基地组织策划引爆放射性“脏弹”,被控支持恐怖主义 。
2005 Ted Koppel hosted his final edition of ABC News' "Nightline."
2005年,泰德柯柏主持他ABC新闻栏目《夜线》的最后一场节目 。
2005 The Microsoft video game console Xbox 360 went on sale.
2005年,微软计算机游戏控制台Xbox 360发售 。