Today in History: Friday, September 07, 2012
On Sept. 7, 1940, Nazi Germany's air force began its blitz on London during World War II.
1940年9月7日,二战期间,纳粹德国空军开始向伦敦展开大规模空袭 。
1533 England's Queen Elizabeth I was born in Greenwich.
1533年,英国女王伊丽莎白一世在格林威治出生 。
1822 Brazil declared its independence from Portugal.
1822年,巴西宣布脱离葡萄牙独立 。
1927 TV pioneer Philo T. Farnsworth succeeded in transmitting an image through purely electronic means by using a device called an image dissector.
1927年,电视先驱菲罗·范斯沃斯使用一种叫图像分析器的设备,通过纯粹的电子方式成功的传送了一张图片 。
1936 Rock musician Buddy Holly was born Charles Hardin Holley in Lubbock, Texas.
1936年,摇滚音乐家巴迪·霍利在德克萨斯州卢博克市Charles Hardin Holley出生 。
1957 NBC-TV debuted the original version of its animated peacock logo.
1957年,NBC电视台原始版标志卡通孔雀首次亮相 。
1977 The Panama Canal treaties, calling for the United States to turn over control of the waterway to Panama, were signed in Washington, D.C.
1977年,要求美国移交通往巴拿马航道控制权的巴拿马运河条约在华盛顿签署 。
1979 ESPN made its cable TV debut.
1979年,ESPN首次播放有线电视 。
1986 Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.
1986年,在非洲南部,Desmond Tutu成为第一位领导英国国教的黑人 。
1996 Rapper Tupac Shakur was shot on the Las Vegas Strip; he died six days later at age 25.
1996年,说唱歌手图帕克·沙克在拉斯维加斯大道被射杀六天后死亡,年仅25岁 。
1998 St. Louis Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire hit his 61st home run of the season, equaling Roger Maris' single-season home run record.
1998年,圣路易红雀队种子选手马克·麦奎尔本赛季击打出了他的第61个本垒打,相当于罗杰·马立斯的单赛季本垒打记录 。
2006 Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage confirmed he was the source of a leak that disclosed the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame, saying he didn't realize Plame's job was covert.
2006年,前副国务卿理查德·阿米蒂奇证实他透露了中情局雇员瓦莱丽·普拉姆身份,称他没有意识到普莱姆的工作是隐蔽 。
2008 Troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed in government conservatorship.
2008年,身陷困境的抵押贷款巨头范尼梅和弗雷德马克交由政府接管 。