Today in History: Saturday, December 29, 2012
On Dec. 29, 1989, playwright Vaclav Havel was elected president of Czechoslovakia by the country's Federal Assembly, becoming the first non-Communist to hold the post in more than four decades.
1170 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral in England.
1808 Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, was born in Raleigh, N.C.
1845 Texas was admitted to the union as the 28th state.
1851 The first American Young Men's Christian Association was organized, in Boston.
1890 U.S. troops killed as many as 400 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee, S.D.
1890年,在Wounded Knee, S.D.,美军杀害的苏族印第安人多达400人
1916 Gregory Rasputin, the monk who had wielded powerful influence over the Russian court, was murdered by a group of noblemen.
1916年,对俄罗斯法院施加过巨大影响的僧人Gregory Rasputin被一群贵族谋杀
1940 Germany began dropping incendiary bombs on London during World War II.
1996 War-weary guerrilla and government leaders in Guatemala signed an accord ending 36 years of civil conflict.
1998 Khmer Rouge leaders apologized for the 1970s genocide in Cambodia that claimed 1 million lives.
1999 The Nasdaq composite index closed above 4,000 for the first time, ending the day at 4,041.46.
1999年,纳斯达克综合指数首次收于4000点以上,当日收盘达4041 .51点
2007 The New England Patriots became the first NFL team in 35 years to finish the regular season undefeated when they beat the New York Giants 38-35 to go 16-0.