Today in History: Wednesday, November 14, 2012
On Nov. 14, 1940, German planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry during World War II.
1940年11月14日,在二战期间德国战机摧毁了英国小镇考文垂的大部分地区 。
1851 Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" was published.
1851年,赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的小说《白鲸》发表 。
1881 Charles J. Guiteau went on trial for assassinating President James A. Garfield. (He was convicted and hanged.)
1881年,查尔斯J.吉特奥因暗杀总统詹姆斯A.加菲尔德受审 。(被判有罪并处以绞刑)
1922 The British Broadcasting Corp. began its domestic radio service.
1922年,英国广播公司BBC开始在英国国内播出 。
1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed the Philippine Islands a free commonwealth.
1935年,罗斯福总统宣布菲律宾群岛独立成为联邦共和国 。
1969 Apollo 12 was launched on the second manned mission to the moon.
1969年,阿波罗12号第二次执行有人驾驶登月任务 。
1972 The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 1,000 for the first time.
1972年,道琼斯工业平均指数首次收于1000点以上 。
1973 Britain's Princess Anne married Capt. Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey.
1973年,英国皇室公主安妮与马克菲利普上校在威斯敏斯特教堂完婚 。
1986 The SEC fined Ivan F. Boesky $100 million for insider stock trading.
1986年,美国证券交易委员会因伊凡·博股票交易内幕罚款1亿美元, 。
1995 The U.S. government instituted a partial shutdown, closing national parks and museums while government offices operated with skeleton crews.
1995年,尽管政府精简要干,美国政府制定了部分停营政策包括关闭国家公园和博物馆 。
1999 The United Nations imposed sanctions on Afghanistan for refusing to hand over terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden.
1999年,因阿富汗拒绝交出恐怖分子嫌疑犯奥萨马·本拉登,联合国对其实施制裁 。