Today in History: Monday, September 10, 2012
On Sept. 10, 1989, Hungary stopped enforcing East German visa restrictions and opened its borders, beginning a flood of emigration that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall two months later.
1989年9月10日,匈牙利停止执行东德签证限制并开放边界,开始大量迁移出境最终导致了柏林墙两个月后的倒塌 。
1608 John Smith was elected president of the Jamestown colony council in Virginia.
1608年,约翰·史密斯在弗吉尼亚州当选詹姆斯敦殖民地议会主席 。
1813 Oliver H. Perry sent the message, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours," after an American naval force defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812.
1813年,在1812年伊利湖战争中,美国海军击败英国军队,随后奥利弗·佩里传报这条消息:“与敌接战,敌已成擒” 。
1846 Elias Howe of Spencer, Mass., received a patent for the sewing machine.
1846年,发明家哈维发明的缝纫机获得专利 。
1919 New York City welcomed home Gen. John J. Pershing and 25,000 soldiers who had served in the U.S. 1st Division during World War I.
1919年,纽约市欢迎第一次世界大战期间效力于美国第一部的约翰·潘兴将军以及25,000名士兵 。
1924 A judge in Chicago sentenced Nathan Leopold Jr. and Richard Loeb to life in prison for the murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks - a "thrill killing" that had shocked the nation.
1924年,内森利奥波德二世和理查德·勒布因谋杀14岁的鲍比·弗兰克斯被芝加哥一法官判处终身监禁,该起"骇人听闻"的谋杀事件震惊了全国 。
1935 Sen. Huey P. Long, the "Kingfish" of Louisiana politics, died two days after being shot in Baton Rouge.
1935年,路易斯安那州政治首领参议员休伊·长在巴吞鲁日遭枪击两天后死亡 。
1948 American-born Mildred Gillars, the Nazi wartime radio broadcaster known as "Axis Sally," was indicted in Washington, D.C., for treason.
1948年,纳粹战时被称为"轴心国莎莉"的美国本土出生无线电广播员Mildred Gillars在华盛顿特区因叛国罪而被起诉 。
1955 "Gunsmoke" premiered on CBS.
1955年,"硝烟"在CBS首映 。
1963 Twenty black students entered public schools in Birmingham, Tuskegee and Mobile, Ala., following a standoff between federal authorities and Gov. George C. Wallace.
1963年,20名黑人学生进入阿拉巴马州塔斯基吉和莫比尔伯明翰公立学校,随后,联邦当局和乔治·华莱士政府之间展开了对峙 。
1977 A convicted murderer became the last person to be executed by the guillotine in France.
1977年,法国断头台处决了最后一名执行该刑罚的杀人犯 。
1988 Steffi Graf of West Germany achieved tennis' Grand Slam - winning all four major tournaments in a calendar year - by taking the U.S. Open women's title.
1988年,西德格拉芙赢得美国网球公开赛冠军成就网球大满贯——她在一历年度中赢得全部四大赛事 。
2000 The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "Cats" closed after 7,485 performances over nearly 18 years as the longest-running show in Broadway history.
2000年,安德鲁?劳埃德?韦伯的音乐剧《猫》在历经近18年,7485场演出后闭幕,这是百老汇史上演出时间最长的音乐剧 。
2000 NBC's "The West Wing" won a record nine Emmy awards, including best drama series.
2000年,美国广播公司推出的《西翼》获得了创纪录的九个艾美奖,包括最佳电视剧 。
2002 Switzerland became the 190th member of the United Nations.
2002年,瑞士成为联合国第190个成员国 。
2003 Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, 46, was stabbed in a Stockholm department store; she died the next day.
2003年,瑞典外交大臣安娜·林德在斯德哥尔摩百货商店遇刺后第二天身亡,年仅46岁 。