Today in History: Thursday, November 08, 2012
On Nov. 8, 1932, New York Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president over incumbent Herbert Hoover.
1932年11月8日,纽约州长富兰克林D.罗斯福击败现任总统赫伯特·胡佛当选总统 。
1889 Montana became the 41st state.
1889年,蒙大拿成为美国第41州 。
1892 Former President Grover Cleveland beat incumbent Benjamin Harrison, becoming the only president to win non-consecutive terms in the White House.
1892年,前总统格罗弗·克利夫兰击败现任总统本杰明·哈里森,成为白宫唯一一位非连续连任总统 。
1923 Adolf Hitler launched his first attempt to seize power with a failed coup in Munich, Germany.
1923年,阿道夫·希特勒在德国慕尼黑第一次发动政变夺取政权,以失败告终 。
1960 Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy defeated Vice President Richard M. Nixon in the presidential election.
1960年,马萨诸塞州参议员约翰F.肯尼迪击败了副总统理查德`尼克松当选美国总统 。
1966 Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.
1966年,罗纳德·里根当选加州州长 。
1971 The album "Led Zeppelin IV," which included the song "Stairway to Heaven," was released.
1971年,包含歌曲“天国的阶梯”的专辑《Led Zeppelin IV》发布 。
1972 The premium cable TV network HBO (Home Box Office) made its debut with a showing of the movie "Sometimes a Great Notion."
1972年,高端有限电视网络HBO(家庭影院频道)以电影《永不让步》的展映首次亮相 。
1987 A bomb planted by the Irish Republican Army exploded as crowds gathered in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, for a ceremony honoring Britain's war dead, killing 11 people.
1987年,爱尔兰共和军布置的炸弹在北爱尔兰恩尼斯基林发生爆炸,当时人们正聚集在一起纪念英国战争死难者,事件共造成11人死亡 。
1988 Vice President George H.W. Bush won the presidential election, beating Democrat Michael Dukakis.
1988年,副总统乔治H.W布什击败民主党人迈克尔·杜卡基斯赢得总统选举 。
1994 Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years.
1994年,共和党人40年来首次获得众议院的控制权 。
1997 Chinese engineers diverted the Yangtze River to make way for the Three Gorges Dam.
1997年,中国工程师改道长江为三峡大坝工程让路 。
2000 A statewide recount of presidential election ballots began in Florida.
2000年,总统选举投票全州重新核计在佛罗里达州进行 。
2004 Thousands of U.S. troops attacked strongholds of Sunni insurgents in Fallujah, Iraq.
2004年,在伊拉克费卢杰,成千上万的美国军队攻击逊尼派叛乱分子的根据地 。
2010 Talk show host Conan O'Brien made his debut on TBS.
2010年,脱口秀主持人柯南奥布莱恩首秀TBS 。